Millwall Supporters

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Rude Boy
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Millwall Supporters

Post by Rude Boy »

I've just read that a bunch of Millwall supporters saw fit to "Kick off" as these scumbags put it in the beautiful city of Budapest, well done lads...that's another place where the English will now be regarded as violent thugs.

What is WRONG with these tossbags? How on earth can having the shit kicked out of you and then being nicked make for a great day out? I have no interest in football but I'd really like to know why these scummers act like they do. Why is this tolerated by the authorities? Why aren't they banned from competing abroad?

Why is it just football? ALWAYS fucking football?

Yours seething, perplexed and expecting a far cooler reception the next time I go to Budapest.

Rudi Boye (English and deeply ashamed)
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by Michelle »

You dont get this behaviour from Cricket or Rugby fans.

Michelle x
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by woodgnome »

let's hope that right-thinking hungarians are equally ashamed of the torrent of racial abuse that was hurled at millwall's black players throughout the match.
Rude Boy
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by Rude Boy »

What a joy it must be to attend a football match.
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by eduardo »

Got to disagree with your points here.

Alot of it's in the history and thats the history of English football holligans from years back and the fact that just about all football hooligans from abroad look up at and have the English on a pedestal as the Grandaddy of all hooligans.

Hence whenever the English are in town the locals want to have a pop at them as it gives them great kudos if they can kick the shit out of an English fan who they idolise.

Now I'm not saying that English fans abroad are angels. Certainly not. But it has become increasingly difficult for known hooligans and people with violent criminal convictions to be able to get tickets for away games in Europe. Every person applying for a ticket at whatever club must submit an apllication form with a valid ID and they are checked by the club wuth the help of the police for such convictions or if they are known hooligans and hence applications approved or denied because of this.

Sure some get through but most are genuine supporters and for the most part if there is any trouble then it's because they have been started on by the locals and are defending themselves. You would do the same.

Don't think I'm defending hooligans because I am not. They are scum and an embarrassment to our country. But not all supporters who travel abroad are hooligans, most are just normal people. However if you go abroad and watch your team then you are treated like a hooligan which is the reason why I won't go.

And don't believe football hooligans are just the scurge of the English. It's prevelant all over Europe. Italy, Germany and Holland have bigger problems than us now. It's just that we have admitted the problem and tried to do something about it and all they do is sweep it under the carpet.

Rant over.
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by woodgnome »

i believe some folk felt that way inclined at old trafford on tuesday...
Rude Boy
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by Rude Boy »

"football hooligans from abroad look up at and have the English on a pedestal as the Grandaddy of all hooligans."

So there is a hierarchy of scumbags effectively, this is so pathetic. I am genuinely intrigued by what you wrote and thanks for your points as I am intrigued by what these people do although it offends me greatly.

I can understand that ALL travelling supporters are treated as potential hooligans, this must be galling for the regular guy but why on earth would anyone want to go to a football match with hordes of drunken scum in the first place? Certainly if I was the Mayor of Budapest or Florence or Milan or ANYWHERE and I knew that Millwall were coming to town I would make sure the city is like a fortress.

I don't mean to knock the genuine supporters but it seems to me that society also shits the most miserable specimens into football grounds every weekend. I'm also perplexed as to why it is just football that attracts the arsehole element.
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by Ace »

Millwall have done a hell of a lot to improve their image over the last few years. That said, whenever Millwall visited Coventry City when I used to steward matches, I always got out of THAT particular fixture, as did most of the 'sensible' stewards. The 'up-for-it' stewards were always on-hand for that game.
Millwall always trash the first pub from the train station to let people know they are 'in town' and even the police let 'em carry on as the bills for damage is FAR less than calling extra policing in.
All in all, just a 'good natured' set of fans that only kick off against rival fans 'if and when'.
Now Cardiff City? There fans are fucking mental!!

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by eduardo »

As for the football hierachy thing, if you ever watch an Italian league game (and you may not as you don't sound like you like football much) look in the crowd and you will see Union Jack flags.

These aren't from english or british people. These are the ultras, which used to be the fanatical supporters but now sadly have been taken over for the most by the undersirable hooligan element. These flags are to pay homage to the so called superior hooligan from England who they look up to. Pathetic it is but sadly true.

This is particularly true in Rome and I know from my own experience as I lived there for 2 years. La Curva Sud and La Curva Nord (depending who's at home) are awash with these flags and I found out my facts by talking to the locals about it all.

The Italian authorities do fuck all about it, very similar to here in the 80's as they refuse to admit that there's a problem although they are making noises about cleaning things up now. Cynically people think that it's just political posturing.

As I said I won't watch England or Liverpool in Europe. It aint wirth the hassle.Everybody is branded with the same brush.

There is still a hooligan element in this country and the problem has not been cured. Far from it. But it is much better than it was and better than most places in Europe because we have simply admitted the problem and tried to do something about it.
Chris P Bacon
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Re: Millwall Supporters

Post by Chris P Bacon »

So Rude Boy did u also read that groups of 150 and more hungarians were ambushing millwall fans all day? that upto 12 millwall fans were stabbed and 2 are critical in hospital? Typical press, single out millwall as allways as the bad guys. Ace is right, the clubs done a hell of a job at massive expense to rid the hooligan element and reading posts like yours makes you think whats the point as we will allways be hooligans in everyones eyes thanks to the press. rant over