martina navratalova

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Re: All hail the Messiah-Woodgnome

Post by woodgnome »

phew! when i saw the subject header, i thought for a second my cover had been blown...

yes, the strikingly statuesque, yet exquisitely feminine, maria has indeed fulfilled all of my expectations.

and having seen the way she turned around yesterday's match against lindsay davenport, who's to say she won't do the same tomorrow, even when confronted by an opponent as formidable as serena williams.

if only i'd put some money where my mouth was, before the tournament started... :-(
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Re: martina navratalova

Post by woodgnome »

no one talks the same language as steve56.
Seymour Clearly
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Re: martina navratalova

Post by Seymour Clearly »

Heard Claire Balding on the radio say the other day...'And now to court 1 to check the Sprem count....' I thought that was quite good...
Seymour Clearly
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Re: martina navratalova

Post by Seymour Clearly »

Didn't she win the Mixed Singles?
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Re: martina navratalova

Post by Ace »

A more nasty person you could hope to meet. Watch for her contempt and abruptness to ball boys/girls and her impatience while asking for water or a towel.
There is a famous raquet centre near Coventry that she frequents when practising for English tournaments, and she is well known for being a spiteful and nasty cow there as well...........with her 'do you know who I AM?!' line a favourite.
Always seems to have a chip on her shoulder as well

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: martina navratalova

Post by steve56 »

yeah she looks moody.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: All hail the Messiah-Woodgnome

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

woodgnome wrote:

> phew! when i saw the subject header, i thought for a second my
> cover had been blown...

I'd expect the remants of Monty Python will be round anytime now asking for you to be in the sequel to Brian-my apologies

I would have put the full header but as space was at a premium I had to forgo the rest

"He's not the Messiah he's just a VERY Naughty boy"

> yes, the strikingly statuesque, yet exquisitely feminine, maria
> has indeed fulfilled all of my expectations.

She has an Audrey Hepburn way about her.
Demur & Graceful
Very refreshing when compared to the arrogance of Anna K

> and having seen the way she turned around yesterday's match
> against lindsay davenport, who's to say she won't do the same
> tomorrow, even when confronted by an opponent as formidable as
> serena williams.

She's certainly got the power to match Serena
Wether the nerves hold is another matter
Experience gained in Finals is usually the difference between winning & losing
> if only i'd put some money where my mouth was, before the
> tournament started... :-(

IF might be able to afford another Wimbledon Strawberry

I'd Sooner settle for an armchair workout for my eyes....Maria writhing in strawberrys & cream during the after match ceremony....its a move up from cake,custard & beans... :-(

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Re: All hail the Messiah-Woodgnome

Post by Ace »

your gal won it Woody, I know how you feel about putting yer money on, after I saw Greece beat Portugal in the 1st game of Euro 04, I KNEW I should have put ?20 each way on them at 40/1

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
Deuce Bigolo
Posts: 9910
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Re: All hail the Messiah-Woodgnome

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Not just beat her thrashed her 6-1 6-4

I don't hold out much hope for Greece getting the same result
given their reliance on defence defence defence

I don't envisage another Denmark v Germany result from Euro 92
more like they'll receive a pounding on par with Brazils 6-0 demolition of Australia in a recent Confederations cup after the Aussies had got a decent result against them in the 1st match of the tournament
