Arab Porn

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Ben Dover
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Arab Porn

Post by Ben Dover »

We all know that the hypocrisy of Arab men knows no bounds. When they all pitch up at the Dorchester for ramadam and work their way through the Capital's supply of Boutros Boutros Galli and girls, the partying never stops. So what about a new magazine for us westies? 'Jizz 'n Jihad' a new mag featuring 'Burkha Babes' 'The Girls of Gaza' 'Big Butts from Bagdad' and 'Basra Booty'. OK, even if the average Arab's idea of a topless girl is one whose just been beheaded, we know they like our pussy. Ergo, it's only fair that we have a look at what their chicks have got to offer right? So why don't we all stop blowing each other up, and check out some pussy!!

Ben Dover
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by Illinoisblue »

"So why don't we all stop blowing each other up, and check out some pussy!!"

Not the most conventional rallying call for world peace but it'd certainly get my vote!
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by MonkeyMonkey »

I am half Arabic and take offence to Ben's anti-Arab diatribe.

I suggest Ben puts down his copy of the Sun/Daily Mail/Daily Express and actually visits an Arabic country such as Jordan, Lebanon, Dubai to see for himself the true Arabic essence (and I'm not talking about falafel, houmous and stuffed vine leaves).

You can't tar all Arabs with the same brush. I can guarantee that the actions of those Arabs in London that Ben was referring to and the extremist miniscule minority that 'behead' (I am happy to say that none of my Arabic friends have ever beheaded another individual) is not a true reflection of the Arab majority.

I could say that the English (caucasian) are all drunk football hooligans that have bad dental hygiene. But I won't, because I know it is not true, regardless of what the foreign press say.

All my UK Arabic friends and I are hard working, law abiding individuals. So please Ben, please try and keep an open mind.


Ps. I have heard that Kate Kaliani is Lebanese
Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

MonkeyMonkey wrote:

> I could say that the English (caucasian) are all drunk football
> hooligans that have bad dental hygiene. But I won't, because I
> know it is not true,


Actually I do see your point.
Ben, that's a heavy bit of generalisation you've got going there.
There are hypocrites in every culture and the hotel humping brigade are new money Saudi's.
Hardly a fair representation.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

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Re: Arab Porn

Post by crofter »

eh Monkey Monkey, can I just say pretty typical that the great Ben Dover makes a few jokes about the state of the Arabic Nation on the whole and somebody has to jump on the ?racist remarks? theory, for god?s sake take the comments in the spirit they are made instead of trying to take things out of context, it seems the British nation can wholeheartedly laught at itself and it?s shortcoming but as soon as skin colour and religion are mentioned the tone can quickly change ... why??
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by MonkeyMonkey »

Spare me.

I didn't accuse Mr. Dover of being a rascist, as I am not quick to judge people. I just felt that his comments re: Arabic men and Arabs as a whole were insulting.

Mr Dover said "We all know that the hypocrisy of Arab men knows no bounds"
-Is this not offensive?

Mr Dover said "OK, even if the average Arab's idea of a topless girl is one whose just been beheaded"
-Again, quite offensive, unless you are not an Arab of course.

You say:
"take the comments in the spirit they are made instead of trying to take things out of context"
-So what spirit were the comments made in? I fail to see in any humour in insulting a race of people with crude generalisations.

Call me politically correct, pinko liberal etc etc etc. It is easy for you to jump on the PC-bashing band wagon, as you are not an Arab yourself (I presume).

Ben Dover
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by Ben Dover »

Oh Dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Perhaps I should have added "Also well known for having no sense of humour" It is very important to be able to laugh at some of one's countryman's traits I think. Can you imagine if I got offended everytime someone took the piss out of me!! Jeez.

Ben Dover
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by Marino »

Oh monkey.
Get a fucking life mate.

If you want to take a trip out with me and see every arab I know they all behave exactly as Ben said.

I dont see any rascism in Ben and I have known him years.

But this is england and if we like to have a joke we will.
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by colin »

well said marino!!
the secret to laying the foundation of democracy is knowing where to place the machine gun!(Foggy Dewhurst)
Ben Dover
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Re: Arab Porn

Post by Ben Dover »

Marino, as always you are Da Man!!!!

Ben Dover