Found this site by chance.Excellent idea.Apologises if this seems a stupid question but I always thought it was illegal to sent hardcore through the post. Has the law changed?If it has changed does anyone out there know where I can get a hardcore copy of "Plumper Therapy" made around 1995 I think.I have searched in vain for a copy.
Try Danskphoto,find them in the links at this site.They have most of the big tit stuff.
You can legally buy, but do *not* re-sell it in the UK. This *is* illegal. People do get busted! Also, *don't* show it to kids (obviously). That's illegal too. Basically, it's like buying alcohol or tobacco from France. Many UK companies illegally sell it of course, you can buy from them. Put simply, buying is legal, selling isn't. AV fans know this (sorry, `in' joke). Actually some hard core videos have now been passed by the govt for sale. But if you want close-ups, cum-shots etc (and the govt may decide to again outlaw even those few UK videos passed, which must show actual sex from far off anyway) the EU method is more consistent. From meR18 films are only available from fully licensed sex shops.It is currently illegal to buy R18 material by post. (A ridiculous state of affairs in the UK)But seem to sell these .Anyone tried ?
You can legally buy, but do *not* re-sell it in the UK. This *is* illegal. People do get busted! Also, *don't* show it to kids (obviously). That's illegal too. Basically, it's like buying alcohol or tobacco from France. Many UK companies illegally sell it of course, you can buy from them. Put simply, buying is legal, selling isn't. AV fans know this (sorry, `in' joke). Actually some hard core videos have now been passed by the govt for sale. But if you want close-ups, cum-shots etc (and the govt may decide to again outlaw even those few UK videos passed, which must show actual sex from far off anyway) the EU method is more consistent. From meR18 films are only available from fully licensed sex shops.It is currently illegal to buy R18 material by post. (A ridiculous state of affairs in the UK)But seem to sell these .Anyone tried ?
Danskfoto definitely have Hardcore Plumpers which was shot around the same time and is also known as "Big Busty 41: Hardcore Plumpers" in the US. Danskfoto video number 600 and featuring Fawn Miller, Melanie Anton, Roberta Smallwood and Trinity Loren.