Hindi gals

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Hindi gals

Post by Torris »

I read about this site from the rame newsgroup. Excellent. Is there a way to search by "ethnicity". Specifically I'm interested in East Indian girls and figure they must be cropping up with regularlity in UK pornAlso, any of you aware of US sites that might carry some of the more esoteric of these British productionsThanksTorris

Re: Hindi gals

Post by Alphonso »

I dont think is searching like that, but Mr Alec is givingsome good answer to question like you one a few messageundernear. Check it Jade Newman and Baljiit espescially!!

Re: Hindi gals

Post by Torris »

We get Ben Dover and several of the others on this side of the pond, but is there a good NTSC site that we can order some of the more esoteric materials from? If there is a FAQ for this group to point me to, I obligeTorris

Re: Hindi gals

Post by alec »

Phil is away for a while; so I'll try to reply. there is no FAQ for the forum as it is not a newsgroup. However, you may find my notes on the criteria for inclusion useful. They are linked from the Credits section.
By esoteric I assume you mean Angels videos and the like. These tend to be produced within the UK for illegal sale within the UK and usually don't leave these shores. However, some of the scenes have been compiled into videos called British Amateurs (they don't seem to be numbered, but there are at least three two-hour tapes) which appear to be released by Gufa. I don't know if these might become more widely available. For example, Vanessa Brannan's video with Bob Scott, called Auto-Fucking Sex Marathon by Angels, has appeared in one of these.
TMVideo (link on this site), though based in Britain, does NTSC only for export and their videos feature some of the girls listed here.

Re: Hindi gals

Post by alec »

Most of the 'East Indian' or Hindi girls who have done hard core are probably anglo-Indian, i.e. of mixed race. I presume you do not mean those with Chinese or Vietnamese looks. I will pass on the suggestion of being able to search by ethnicity, but in any case it will have to await the ability to insert details like age and hair colour etc. This is a list of the girls on the site who might meet your specification (in terms of looks, I don't necessarily know their ethnic origins):
Amanda Pickering (part Indonesian), Anita, Baljit, Cassie Conway, Geraldine Martin, Jade Newman, Jasmine, Lisa Remzi, Lucy [3], Melvina Newman, Mia, Nadia Nyce, Rani, Rasheen Kerim-Koram, Robyn, Samantha Shamal, Shivani, Shuree Bengal, Terri (also said to be part Indonesian).

Re: Hindi gals

Post by Torris »

You are correct. I'm interested in South Asian not East Asian gals. Thanks for your list. I think there is also a girl of mixed descent named Merien (spelling?) who was in Rocco Meats Kelly v. 1

Re: Hindi gals

Post by alec »

The name is familiar, but it may be Terri you are thinking of. There are a lot of girls in that video who just do auditions, but Terri does a sex scene. Or you might have misheard Vivienne (Perello) who does an audition. She is Brazilian-born.

Re: Hindi gals

Post by alec »

Re Merien again.Or perhaps the American version of when Kelly Meet Rocco or When Rocco Meets Kelly is different. I have the European version with watersports included. Since these will have been cut in the American version, something else may have taken their place.