Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

Post by mart »

Wow Bimmercat, thanks for the info. about lots of motor vehicles in the UK. I lived there for many years and never realised thats what they were.
You have a real genius for stating the bleeding obvious.


Posts: 4916
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

Post by mart »

I think one significant difference between the UK and the US is that the UK does seem to be trying to do something about global warming, energy saving etc. while the US attitude is why should we bother if some other countries aren't.
That is when it isn't taking the line that global warming isn't happening. I understand that Dubya gets the scientific info. he wants by carefully picking which scientists he listens to.

PS And yes, OK, Tony Blair has been guilty of that as well.

Bob Singleton
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

Post by Bob Singleton »

magoo wrote:

> "Explain to me how to appease these people and how it will
> work.
> What are we to do....now?
> - Bimmercat"
> 1) Stop condoning and supporting Israels human rights abuses,
> land stealing, and shooting of children who throw stones at
> tanks. (you like to mention Northern Ireland a lot but we Brits
> never behaved like the Israeli army do when confronted by
> protesters.erm apart from on Bloody Sunday of course when the
> Paras went nuts and killed a bunch of innocent civilians. The
> lesson was learned by the British Army after that not to rely
> on traditionally aggressive regiments/units such as the paras
> and marines to perform policeing duties - these regiments/units
> are now reserved for fighting as in Basra and once the killing
> is over they are replaced with less aggressive regular army
> regiments).
> 2) You should have got your troops out of Saudi after the 1991
> Iraq war. You have troops all over the world and have had for
> 50 years or more.
> 3) Basically stop trying to dominate the whole wold. History
> has shown the USA likes to remove one regime which it doesnt
> like and replace it with something worse. The USA funded Saddam
> when he was fighting Iran and you also supported Osama Bin
> Laden and his ilk when they were fighting the Russiansin
> Afgahnistan.
> 4) Try to be more internationaly minded and less insular. Your
> fear of the evils of communism cost millions of lives and in
> various conflicts including Vietnam but for what purpose? What
> did you acheive?
> 5) Elect a new president who isnt a Texan retard who looks like
> a chimp.
> Have a nice day y'all.

Hear, Hear!!!

Sadly a large majority of Americans tend to think like Bimmercat, so your suggestions, above, are never likely to be implemented.

The world will never be at peace while the USA continues to exist in its present form.

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee