Would appear that she's also been in the following:-
1) Hot Latinas Calientes Vol. 2 (sunshine)
2) Dirty Swedish Coeds (future ent.)
3) Euro Angels 7 (evil angel)
though I'm more than prepared to stand corrected !
sarah mclean update
Re: sarah mclean update
thanks - changes passport a lot doesn't she. And who invented the tautologous title Hot Latinas Calientes I wonder.
Re: sarah mclean update
alec wrote:
> thanks - changes passport a lot doesn't she.
Still a part-timer though when set against someone
like Layla-Jade et al !
Are the unlisted titles on paramount-int.com any use ?
> thanks - changes passport a lot doesn't she.
Still a part-timer though when set against someone
like Layla-Jade et al !
Are the unlisted titles on paramount-int.com any use ?
Re: sarah mclean update
Someone sent me his fliers; so they'll be listed next time. Thanks. I think some of the unknowns are in there.
Re: sarah mclean update
Found a large boxcover of Euroangels on the Evil angel site and she might well be in that.
Large boxcover on jaded gave no indication that she was in Hot Latinas, though the cast given on gamelink includes a Sarah.
Gamelink has Dirty Swedish Co-eds, mentions a Sarah, but has no large boxcover.
Neither of the last two are on iafd.
Short of seeing the videos, large boxcovers are needed to give a chance of confirming and they might be on the sunshine and future ent. sites, but I don't have the urls.
Large boxcover on jaded gave no indication that she was in Hot Latinas, though the cast given on gamelink includes a Sarah.
Gamelink has Dirty Swedish Co-eds, mentions a Sarah, but has no large boxcover.
Neither of the last two are on iafd.
Short of seeing the videos, large boxcovers are needed to give a chance of confirming and they might be on the sunshine and future ent. sites, but I don't have the urls.
Re: sarah mclean update
Alec, I very much doubt that she's in Euro Angels, the girls in this series are mainly Hungarian, some Czech and Slovak, and occasional others like Fovea. Though I will stand corrected, though I have several volumes of the series, I don't have this one.
I'll email you the Euro Angels 7 cover if this helps, actually no point cause you got the Evil Angel site one, but I am not sure myself, I'd need to see more pics of her cause she looks different in the few sets I have seen. I think I may have seen her in some Euro video or at least stills from one (aside from those listed here) so it is possible but doubtful to me.
I'll email you the Euro Angels 7 cover if this helps, actually no point cause you got the Evil Angel site one, but I am not sure myself, I'd need to see more pics of her cause she looks different in the few sets I have seen. I think I may have seen her in some Euro video or at least stills from one (aside from those listed here) so it is possible but doubtful to me.
Re: sarah mclean update
I was doubtful too for the reason you gave plus the fact that Christophe Clark concentrates on anal in this series and she doesn't do that. There is a small pic on the back cover which is the right hair colour and general shape, but it is too small to be anywhere near sure. I am very doubtful about all of these titles actually. I've put them on my list provisionally with lots of question marks, but I may well decide to delete them altogether. This smacks of someone leaping to conclusions on the basis of a first name - a dubious thing to do when we are already up to 13 or 14 Sarahs.
BTW got a copy of Two Blue Hardcore today - a good find as it has a series featuring Jackie who was in Neil Down Up Your Alley on TAC Saturday night, looking great, plus other possibly useful pics of girls who probably will feature in videos. Still too many close-ups though - and why do they waste full page spreads on close ups of penetration?
BTW got a copy of Two Blue Hardcore today - a good find as it has a series featuring Jackie who was in Neil Down Up Your Alley on TAC Saturday night, looking great, plus other possibly useful pics of girls who probably will feature in videos. Still too many close-ups though - and why do they waste full page spreads on close ups of penetration?