
A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.


Post by levo »

hello can someone help me,i have joined yahoo clubs two get pics of my fav models,and eveything was working fine untill today when i went two the sight all my bookmarks four my sight had gone and it was saying i was a guest so when i went two the stacey owen sight it says u r a guest and have two join,so i join and i get on the sight,but eveytime i leave the sight then go back later it says that i am a guest and have two join again can some one help me as this is doing my head in


Re: yahoo

Post by Ginger »

I had the same problem a while ago but can't remember what the problem was I think it was something to do with Cookies, you don't have fairwall or something installed do you? I think that prevents cookies being installed. The best suggestion I have would be to go to the Yahoo club and find the section titled ask the experts, these are other helpful Yahoo members who seem to know everything, you grade them on the quality of thier help and they have a bit of a league table. Hope that helps you!
John Prescott

Re: yahoo

Post by John Prescott »

Learn to improve your spelling, grammar and punctuation, old chap.
Ian P

Re: yahoo

Post by Ian P »

While I would normally agree with you Mr Deputy Prime Minister, I think you should have more important things to worry about at the moment than BGAFD posters? ?speelung, grammer and punk-chew-asian?.

The command of these matters demonstrated by Fred the Butch (among others) is alsoz, admittedly, pretty low on the Richter Scale as well ? but as long as people get their messages across the rest of us don?t give *^*$^??^&?



(That last bit corrected by Al*s**r C*mpb*ll)
The Insider

Re: yahoo

Post by The Insider »

Here, here!


Re: yahoo

Post by liam »

Learn to improve your waistline,choice of cars,and get some decent looking females in your mob..aye.aye,sailor.

Re: yahoo

Post by John »

Cookies are small files placed onto your hard disk that, in one of their forms, enable sites to recognise you when you return. That is to say that the site knows who you are.

If you've been playing around with your cookies or deleting them or maybe even upgraded your browser then the cookies could have been deleted or not recognised.

When you log in with your user name and password there is a tickbox underneath to set the cookie to automatically remember you each time you revisit. Assuming your browser is set to accept cookies without question then ticking that should cure your problem. If your browser is set to decline all cookies then it will never remember you and you'll have to log in each time. If your browser is set to question if you want to accept cookies then after ticking the box and proceeding you'll have to accept the next couple of cookies to get them onto your hard disk.

Best policy imho is to always log in to MyYahoo first then go to the clubs that you want to visit.

Re: yahoo

Post by levo »

i would just like two thank u all four the help u gave me in sorting out my problem with yahoo done as u said and things r working fine thanks i not long ago updated netscape from 5 two 6
anyway two all many thanks


p.s i know my spelling is bad thats what u get four going two school when the tories were in power lol lol
John Prestcott

Re: yahoo

Post by John Prestcott »

Now now.. don't get jealous of me if you lot only went to a bog standard comp. I spent years on a ship.... acting as ballast.. to get me where I am today. You should have gone to a Public school like Tony.... and send your children to a Public school like Tony..... and like most of my Party..... But we're New Labour so things such as Grammar schools are elitist and not a good thing for the country.... and after all... Tony should know. because He went to one!!!!!

Re: yahoo

Post by alec »

Talking of spelling Mr Pres*T*cott!