H/C sat tv
H/C sat tv
alot of people seem to be getting british girl h/c films on sat t.v. i'd just like to know how i can get these channels, i am currently on sky digital can i buy a card or do i need new equipment. thanx 4 any info LEN
Re: H/C sat tv
I doubt if SKY or any other companies on their platform will ever broadcast H/C material, so you will have to invest in more equipment. Most of the dedicated H/C channels, like SCT, Ultrablue, etc broadcast from the Hotbird satellite position at 13 degrees east, not 28 degrees where Sky Digital are, so either another dish or a motorised system will be needed. Also, the digibox is not very good at receiving other digital signals from other providers, so you will need another digital reciever and CAM (a module that decodes the signals).
Re: H/C sat tv
A lot (most?) of the mainland European broadcasters e.g. Canal+, Telepui etc. broadcast HC films on standard channels (i.e. non-dedicated HC channels). There are at least 40 channels that broadcast HC films on Astra 19 and Hotbird 13 (That I can receive; with different CAMs, you may be able to receive different/more channels).
If you wanted to receive these, you would be better to buy a programmer and some blank cards rather than buy pre-programmed cards, as the codes can change frequently (it is also cheaper to do it this way). This would be in addition to a common interface digital receiver with cam(s)(some receivers have embedded CAMS).
If you wanted to receive these, you would be better to buy a programmer and some blank cards rather than buy pre-programmed cards, as the codes can change frequently (it is also cheaper to do it this way). This would be in addition to a common interface digital receiver with cam(s)(some receivers have embedded CAMS).