Is religion pointless or what ?

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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by steve56 »

yes its what all wars are made of that and power/greed.
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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by Peter »

Just a crutch for the weak who can't face up to their own mortality.
We have need of you again, great king.
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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by waffster »

I've always seen religion as a tool for the organizers to aquire wealth & power when otherwise they would have none.
It must be great to have people do your bidding and give you their money under the threat of going to hell , or the promise of glory once they die.

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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by mart »

As the African said "The missionaries came and they had bibles and we had the land. They said let us close our eyes and pray. When we opened them again, we had the bibles and they had the land".


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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by monkeyman »

Religion in general is dumb. Folk should have faith in themselves, not some imaginary bloke in robes. Catholicism makes you feel guilty for jerking off, and priests can't marry, which leaves little choice for sexual pleasure (which is natural). But they ignore the fact the fact tons of priests get little alter boys to do it for them. Well that's a fucked up policy for sure.
The church (non-specific) says all are created equal in the eyes of the lord (or some shit like that), and yet there are few if any, more spiteful and hateful organisations in the world than those religious societies.
Every religion sees itself as being a better religion than anybody elses. Ours is the rightous one, ours is the TRUE religion, ours has X-box...well you know what, they may all have big bells on, but i'm not ringing any of them. Well maybe if they gave me a free X-Box. And broadband too...
I have nothing against the beliefs or values of another (unlike themselves), but I do not like somebody forcing their illogical spoutigs down my throat as if I need salvation for some bullshit THEY fel guilty about. Live and let live.

Quite simply, I am here so therefore I am....
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

No religion is pointless but many has been hijacked and abused by Men that think they know best.Many of these men are very inflexible in their thinking
which is probably why many are apathetic towards organised religion

Unfortunately organised religion is more business than religion...a sad indictment

All religions have at their base ethics and morals unfortunately once you get beyond this simple fact mans greatest flaws seem to take over

Why else would there be many religions and not just one?

All I can say is that there are many good things in each Religion but its up to us as individuals to pick and choose what suits us.

There is no right or wrong Religion unfortunately many believe theirs to be the only TRUE ONE-mankinds greatest failing IMHO

No human(even the POPE) knows better than you and I though they may preach so

I've looked at many religions and have come to the conclusion that many are just plain out of touch with common sense ie homosexuality,aids-condoms

I am an Agnostic and as such I am more drawn to Buddhism than any other religion.

As I tell all the do gooders that come to my door every Sunday
I live by the Ten Commandments that Charleton heston told me about and need nothing else

Think I've mastered 3 in 37 years so I'm not a total failure

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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by steve56 »

derek/clive aka pete/dud did a marvellous sketch yrs ago bout religion and without a doubt dave allen sums it up in his many shows.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Is religion pointless or what ?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Must have missed that one with Pete & Dud

I've only been fortunate enough to purchase the Clean Tapes on record

Aversion therapy was very good


PS Dave Allen in the mobile confessional was a riot then there were his jokes