I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

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I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by EJ »

It seems to me that the real hate is not for rugby but for anything that could be linked to the middle classes. It is such a shame that so many people in the UK find wealth or success so offensive. I met a guy the other week that regularly parks his car (7 series BMW) on double yellow lines. He said he would rather pay the ?50 fine than have to get his car resprayed for the 3rd time because someone had keyed it when he leaves it in public car parks. Not in a dodgy area but Guildford in Surrey.

Why is there a growing hatred of those people who have money whether it be earned or inherited? Rugby is played in private schools & by middle class people at the weekend but so is football. The difference is the fans they attract. Rugby has the agression on the pitch where as football often has it in the street by the fans.

I think the world would be a better place if we all just got along. Instead of looking for whats wrong with other people we should find whats wrong with ourselves & strive to make it better. The constant negative attitude of this forum & the general public can only lead to a country that no one enjoys living in & there really in no need for it.

Despite a few flaws Britain really is a great place to live in & the way it is now has come from generations of evolution we should be proud of. If it wasn't for the middle & upper classes in history we wouldn't be the great nation we are. The engineers, explorers, inventors, generals, kings & queens in our history made us the world beating nation we are. We cannot judge history by the standards of today for what was acceptable then may not be now & visa versa.

It is a combined effort between all the classes that continues to make out country the great place it is. When the rest of the world sees us knocking our sportsmen when they win or slagging of anyone that is successful here what do you think they think?

Celebrate our triumphs when we have then or soon there will be no one willing to try!

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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by Cerberus »

I empathise with you. Far better & more important things to dislike on this planet than sport.
Mind you I detest Golf! a totally pointless & devisive pastime, spoils good countryside & creates a totally sterile environment.
How on earth people can say they enjoy it when most of the people I've seen playing it get so wound up & angry it defies belief!
Watching paint dry is more fun!
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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by mart »

Another name for Golf is Freemasonry in the outdoors.


PS I don't understand where the "I hate Rugby" is coming from.

The Last Word
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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by The Last Word »

'It is a combined effort between all the classes that continues to make out country the great place it is'

I think this is the hurdle you finally fell at, EJ. Mind you, there's a copywriting job going over at Millbank, if you're interested.

"Let's do it..."
"Let's do it..."
london male
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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by london male »

the thing i hate is when people call it rugby and they think there is only one code, if you mean rugby union, then say rugby union, not just rugby.
rugby league is by far the more exciting game, its faster, they score tries, not just kicks and the players are fitter(and i dont mean better looking LOL)and its the second most watched spectator sport after football in this country.
yes yesterdays world cup win was great but the majority of the team would not be fit enough to play league, they would have to get themselves fitter.
and lets not forget the two tries were scored by ex league players.
the biggest difference is the international scene in union is by far superior to league i admit that but at team level league is head and shoulders above union.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

The 2 Rugby codes are Worlds apart

Union is meant to be a flowing non-stop game and league a stop start affair
As for the Scrum in league I've seen fewer farcical scenes on a sporting field

I personally prefer Union but ony for the Super 12 Competition and the Big country matches.

The Union club games are just amateur stuff by enlarge compared to Rugby League

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Surely you jest

Without golf we wouldn't have Caddyshack I and Caddyshack II

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Class Warfare is a part of everyday life and always will be

Its the price we pay for being a Material Driven Society instead of a Spiritual Society IMHO

As for this forum being negative....

Yes it has been well documented that if this forum were a country it would be called 'Grumpy Old Men Country'

Even some of us such as myself who like to try and be optomistic occasionally like to have a bitch and moan.

My therapist tells me its good to let off a little bit of steam now & then

I will agree that knocking your countries winning sporting teams isn't a healthy thing.

All driven by the Media which is what most people people really loathe I believe.

God help us if some TV station offers Jonny Wilkinson his own TV Show
Poor bugger only 24 and he's in for media scrutiny I wouldn't wish for in a billion years
