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Terry May
Posts: 350
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Terry May »

If you've not seen Matrix Reloaded rent it now because this launches straight in making no concessions to those who haven't seen it and even if you have it takes a little while to remember what happened at the end last time round.

So what's good about it? Very little frankly. There's a giant battle to protect Zion from the sentinels which impressive as it is I've seen better notably, the Helms Deep battle in The Two Towers. And the climatic battle between Neo and Agent Smith is something and nothing althought the rain looks good - and that's not saying much really. The production design is as impressive as ever and at least there is no long philosophical guff as in Reloaded but instead launches straight into the story without taking as long to get started as reloaded. And if S&M is your thing then check out the Hell club scene - outfits that I 've never seen before - not surprising since one of the Wachowski brothers (the thin one) is allegedly into that type of thing.

Surprisingly there is no 'bullet time' either probably because it's so commonplace now and also because this story takes place in the real world rather than in the Matrix.

However owing to the law of diminishing returns I found this the most disappointing of the three. There was little imagery here as memorable as reloaded or sequences as stunning as the original. And I found none of the set pieces exciting - even reloaded had the freeway car chase!

Despite assurances from the Producer (Joel Silver) the ending is even left open for a possible 4th part. Mr Silver , a request, no thank you.

I know I'm down on a lot of these blockbusters but perhaps the one saving grace this year will be the final part of Lord of the rings. I certainly hope so!

See it if you must but to be honest if this had been made first I doubt if there would be any other Matrix films made.

MINOR SPOILER ALERT And even the character that dies I found I just didn't care. Not in the slightest bit moving.
Terry May
Posts: 350
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Terry May »

Why they didn't call it Matrix2 and Matrix 3 is beyond me. Reloaded and Revolutions are pretty much unconnected with anything in the film. Mind you they're so full of cod philosophy and bonkers concepts they might well be relevant after all!
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: don't bother

Post by php »

I thought the first film was good, the second boring, and I can't be arsed with the third.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: don't bother

Post by riddler »

The matrix is shite, the concept was a good idea, but the first mistake, getting keanu reeves as lead role, possibly along with kevin costner the most wooden actor ever.
dont waste your money.
Deuce Bigolo
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o/t Re: MATRIX RELOADED review

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Surely not more wooden than Clint Eastwood i his spaghetti Western phase?

I agree Keanu Reeves is miscast.....beavis or Butthead would be his limit IMHO

Posts: 358
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by lovemunkey187 »

For an earlier and more intriguing idea alomg the same lines check out
Dark City

We got both kindsa music here. We got Country and Western