"British Hardcore" magazine

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

"British Hardcore" magazine

Post by TonyBoy »

Greetings one and all after a lengthy (enforced) absence from the bgafd.

Does anybody know if Lance are still publishing "British Hardcore" magazine? It seems to have disappeared from my local, ahem, emporia. If not, are back issues available? I seem to remember "Tamara Noon" (who I always assumed was British, but perhaps not) being in one of them, as well as one or two other terrific looking ladies.

Alright, alright, I could try contacting Lance directly but you fellers are usually a reliable bunch and I thought one of you might be able to help.



Re: "British Hardcore" magazine

Post by topole »

Can't help about Lance.
But Tamara IS British.
H/C photoset on thirdpage.co.uk might be the one you remember.
(You'll need adult check & a high pop-up threshold - but it has
lot's of goodies.))

Re: "British Hardcore" magazine

Post by alec »

Lance are still selling them and there may be back issues try
www.british-beauties.com (not sure that's exactly right)

but beware - there are no Brits in British Sex 11 and British Erotica 3 (British Erotica replaced British Hardcore). There are new mags featuring Brits however, published by Phil McCavity - Fuck Truck, Violet Storm, Wife Watcher and he also publishes one for Omar.

Re: "British Hardcore" magazine


Cheers for the info, both of you.

In my humble, "British Erotica" is a bit shite. If I don't care where the girls are from there are better magazines on offer - nationality was the USP of the whole series. Will have to try Fuck Truck etc.

Pleased to learn British hardcore is still around though, I will make enquiries. Any luck, I'll report back.



Post by TonyBoy »

got caught out under my rather teenagesque alter-ego there.

Re: whoops

Post by alec »

British Hardcore has ben replaced by British Erotica. It is British Sex that is still around and, I repeat, no Brits in the last issue of eitehr magazine. The more complaints to Lance abot this the better.
In my opinion there are too many close ups in both (and in British Bangers too) - not a mistake made in the others mentioned.

Re: whoops

Post by TonyBoy »

British Sex last month was tawdry, no production values and everybody looked German. Rant over :-)


Re: whoops

Post by alec »

That's because everyone *was* German. Rant away - to Lance preferably.