Where to get the original Ben Dover Vol.1,2,3 etc ?
(ie.with watersports included )
adultvideo have Vol. 9 - alternatives ?
Ben Dover originals
Re: Ben Dover originals
Look them up in the film notes section. From memory Lisa Thoy in her appearance in the volume numbered version, schoolteacher Toni, both receiving (titled version from Your Scene - they must have got a German or Dutch copy), Linda Leigh (onto Marino in the bath), Jade Newman on toilet, [Katy] on Ben's penis - the last is in the Your chocie version of Bummed Out in Britain. Plus Rachael (Jackie in British Connection) evidently receives but I've never seen a version in either the numbered or titled series where this has not been cut and nor has our Italian Rachael fan.
Re: Ben Dover originals
Also on the boat in British Babe Hunt, when mario sucks it off that window and spits it out again, the gent he is...
Re: Ben Dover originals
You can get the unedited version of Ben Dover banned In Britain - with 2 watersports scenes from Astorian. Thats where I got my copy. See Links for address. They may also have other w/s vids