Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Post by Marino »

Funny you should say that. I have just started looking for a ghost writer to help me write it in the right context. As my life has been quite varied out of porn aswell. In fact some of the non porn stuff is probably more of a story.
If anyone knows of any decent co=writers/ ghost writers please dro me a line.

I have nothing against theyoung starletts coming through but I am of an older age now and it just doesnt do it for me. Of course there would always be the exception but I just don't want to look like some kind of nonce.

Im off for a ride on my motorbike weather is blinding. xxx

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Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Post by Pancho »

Sorry to hear that, is a state of the industry unfortunately.

You've always been an absolute gent on here in the past Marino and even went over and above with sourcing some material for me...

Absolute top man, I wish you all the best in whatever endeavours you take on...
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Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Post by m100 »

are you absolutely sure that you need a ghost writer etc because from what i've read from you on here there's nothing to suggest that you couldn't do it yourself. I love the 'i don't want to look like some kind of nonce' line.

i'm surprised you don't go out with something like 'marino's last stand' where you get any girls left who you want to work with or with again.
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Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Post by we8derby »

cant we see your new stuff anywhere then marino?
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Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Post by Marino »

All my stuff is on my website guys.

Posts: 47
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Post by ted »

Add Marino to the 'notable retirees 2013' list.

Alex Ferguson
Paul Scholes
Michael Owen


I loved the Road Trips series and have a good few of them still on DVD. Don't think I have Surrey as the OP requested though, sorry.

I agree and echo the sentiments of the posters complimenting your work Marino. And while you're out riding your motorbike, think back to having been paid to shag Wendy Taylor, Rebekah Jordan, Summer Nite, Faye Rampton, Sandie Caine...............etc etc etc. Jammy sod! Hope it rains when you next go out for a ride.


Good luck with your future endeavours, if you do choose to take a different career path from here on.
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