Stunning Rachelle Summers

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Re: I'm puzzled

Post by IainT »

The most obvious course of action for Rachelle is to ask the moderators to delete this whole thread, which i,m sure they would do at her request.

The young lady obviously does not want these images out there and on a personal level I can understand that, although to be fair, they are not particularly revealing.

Her reaction on a personal level is entirely understandable and she is entitled to be agrieved if the circumstances of their appearance as related by her is accurate. However, on a professional level her reaction is verging on the hysterical. I honestly doubt if these images will have any professional effect and if they do its more likely to be positive. The reality is that they have appeared on a niche forum used by very few people, had this episode been more widely publicised, say on the modelling sites, the effect on Rachelles career would have been positive for sure in terms of notoriety and sympathy generated.

Personally devastating, threatening? Absolutely not a chance.

I can also say with some assurity and from personal experience that unless she is going to be working for a blue chip agency or a blue chip client, which at her height is inconceivable, then the effect these images will have on agency representation is negligible. I have shot several better known, higher profile agency represented models at far higher levels than these images. The fact is that most agencies are simply not interested, unless the model actually goes in there and gives them a direct link to the images they will not be aware of their existance and wont be wasting time looking, thats the reality....any agency who is willing to spend time trawling the internet to catchone of there models out is unlikely to be very efficient in securing bookings for the model.

And as was pointed out, watersports and adult baby related stuff would be considered far more controversial and makes a few mildly naughty snaps seem like a portrait session.

The fact is that neither are likely to have any effect on Rachelles career.
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Re: I'm puzzled

Post by spare_leg »

I'm puzzled by this too and wonder if the shot of Rachelle, for all intents and purposes, bent over doggy style fingering her arsehole fits in the career advancing column with the watersports and adult baby stuff or in the fate-worse-than-death column with the foo foo images?

My advice, get bartman11 to give you monochrome edits of all six images full of post production noise, bang them on your purple port, await the FPI's and the offers flooding in.

All's well that ends well.
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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by xalscan »

Spot on Iain, you have summarised my thoughts on the whole episode exactly. I feel sorry for Rachelle on a personal level, but don't for one minute believe that these images will destroy her career. Her existing fetish material is more likely to have a detrimental impact on any mainstream commercial ambitions she may have. Most model agencies aren't worth a damn anyway, I don't think I'd be losing sleep over parting ways with one if I was a model ( the elite ones aside ).
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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by satch9 »

I agree with iain and as I have said on another forum, watersports and baby clothes...far more controversial imho than some artistic nude shots.

at the end of the day whilst the "quality" of those pictures isn't top notch the content is really good...why? because Rachelle is beautiful and knows how to pose. she makes average photography look good.

in the end I feel that will prove to be positive publicity for her and I feel as though I am repeating myself by saying that....
Von Boy
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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by Von Boy »

is this her?... not sure myself?

Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by IainT »

2nfro - I don't want to keep this going or start an argument but I'm not a fan of double-standards.

I find a sense of irony in the idea that you assume the mantle of the young Lady's protector when I recall that you were more enthusiastic than anyone to see her genitals when there was a hint a while back that such shots may exist.

I also recall that you are an ethusiastic "outer" of any model who may have occassionally posed beyond her normal levels and are first to encourage the posting of such links.

You'll be telling us next that your sympathy for Rachelle's obvious and genuine discomfort at the existance of these images outways your pleasure at the fact they exist and are visible:), although I'm sure that as they are now safely on your hard drive you feel its a reasonable juncture to be magnanimious about their removal..
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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by DaveZ »

seems to have died down.......time for the mods to delete the whole thread?
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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by stuarts12 »


My take on this sides with those who refer to the watersports and diapers. You do this and yet get upset over a few naughty pictures.

Especially as there are many just as revealing images already on the internet. I came across a thread once on an image hosting site. I searched again for this thread today. Below are a number of images found on that thread.

These images have been out for a while. All of them 'show something'. In comparison the last picture appears to be one from the apd nudes preview (I apologise for using what appears to be your work Iain - but it makes a very good point. If you want the picture removing say and I shall pull it), this shot I think is the one which caused her to complain in the first place. It showed too much. Compare that to other shots, such as those with her legs apart and bound, or bent over being spanked. Is the apdnudes shot really showing more??? These shots below show just as much as the ones posted above.


To borrow from Iain's vocabularly: 'foo-foo' is on show


Covering 'foo-foo'


Spanking site - more 'foo-foo'


Appears to be a video still - open leg (camera at an angle but you'd expect a risk involved of an accidental flash)


Appears to be the opening shot for the vid described above.




I like the above shot - well done Iain (if you want it pulled, post below to tell me - i've got the removal code) - but as already stated does it actually show more????

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Re: Stunning Rachelle Summers

Post by Rachellesummers »

I am actually horrified to see those images.
I had no idea any of those links you posted existed and quite frankly am disgusted because yes I would class every single one of those as above my levels. Clearly in the future I need to ask to see images on the back of the camera and realise there are more people out there than I thought that I can't trust to respect my levels :/
And yes I will happily admit to Iain that on seeing these images all I can do is apologies - your image is tame compared to the rest of those links posted. I still wasn't happy with it as I don't like anything between my legs showing and that's always been my levels, and that includes 'hanging' in a bum shot so to speak. But when we had our disagreement I had no idea any of those links existed. However Iain to your comment that the ones recently posted by Bartman11 who has betrayed my trust - they may not seem revealing to you but to my standards they are FAR too revealing.

On the terms of it not affecting me on a professional level - I wasn't just referring to the agency work. Yes this was my first thought because when signed by them one of the first questions I was asked was have you ever done open leg/adult work and would you ever do it in the future to which my reply was obviously no as I'm very strict with this and can't believe what I've just seen in those links above because I make it clear to everybody I work with what my levels are.. so yes my first thought when this was brought to my attention was worry over the agency because I've already done a catwalk which I never thought I would have the chance to do and they are now meeting with Harrods so another bigger oppurtunity for me moving forward in my career.
But that was NOT all I meant by it affecting my professional career. I also meant my trust, my ability to experiment with posing in the agreement that if a accident happens it is not to be used (this is on my profile as an automatic agreement with me when booking a shoot). My thoughts on ever working to full frontal or erotic nude again - I'm not going to be able to. Atleast not for the time being.

And especially after seeing all those links either as I realise this has actually happened before to me, only difference being I wasn't aware.

The ''fingering my bum'' comment. I was actually trying to cover my dignity. As you will see in the pictures previous I was on all fours but he was shooting to the side so it showed nothing. I saw him moving round to behind me with NO warning what so ever so immediately put my hand round to cover to protect myself against those images. It was not meant in anyway to look like I was fingering my bum - that's disgusting considering I don't do those levels! But unfortunately me being so protective obviously meant he waited until it was something like a duvet or a leg covering me to get a dodgy angle and lie to me, and thanks to him saying he has a family emergency and cutting the shoot short I didn't get to check images hence me putting in the model release I wanted to see images for approval because I know erotic work is risky.

In response to Iain saying my best move is to get this thread removed entirely - I have! I've emailed bgafd and not got any response or had this thread removed.

And as for one post saying put them on my profile, get an FPI and wait for work ... yeah because that's clearly an option when I don't do those levels? Just because because have seen me like that doesn't mean I will now start doing those levels. It still disgusts me because to me it is personal and I wouldn't be comfortable WILLINGLY showing that. So no that is in no way any option and I wouldn't dream of it.

I'm just simply horrified to learn that people can't respect my levels - but clearly it has happened more than this once and I just had no idea. I couldn't be more upset about this and the more I find out the more I am thinking that once I have got the bookings I have already committed to out the way I will no longer be doing nude work other than implied. I will have to seriously think on this now I know it is so easy for people to disrespect your levels when you clearly tell them what they are before and during the shoot :/
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