Ben Dover

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Re: Ben Dover

Post by tilthyfosser »

A copy of the letters plus a response to an interview given by Julian Becker, Ben Dover Commercial Director.
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Re: tilthy tosser- clickable link

Post by jimslip »

I have made your link clickable.

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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one eyed jack
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

That link is not showing anyone to be the victims posters on here have alleged.

Can you post links specific to your claims?
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by tilthyfosser »

Firstly, thanks Jim.

Well, personally i've not made any claims.

My post was just something I found that was to do with this case.

I personally don't use P2P or have any service from O2, but i'm interested to see what happens here.
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by jimslip »

You need to read up on this topic. O2 broadband have been forced to hand over to bendover and his pals a list of names of people who own routers that allegedly were used for a moment in time to allegedly download or upload bendover material.

If you have been blatantly sitting there downloading or uploading bendover stuff from tube sites etc, then bad luck, because you may get a threatening letter and its fair enough if you get attacked or threatened for nicking peoples stuff.

If on the other hand, SOMEONE ELSE, like the bloke next door or a friend, has been using your router to down or upload bendover stuff and you are being falsely accused and threatened, then you should read and print out this advice.

Lesson 1/ If you don't download pirated porn then always SECURE YOUR ROUTER AT ALL TIMES! Also make sure any friends or relatives have also secured their routers. An unsecured router is a perfect way for porn junkies to steal porn without fear of detection, problem is the router owner gets all the shit!

Lesson 2/ If you do steal and or circulate porn then you might end up getting a knock on the door!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

I dont believe for a second that the O2 corporation was "forced to give up their customers details" when you consider the very serious ramifications it will have on data protection laws

More like, if they gave up the details it was to cooperate because they were legally bound to do so by a judge in a court of law.

You cant just walk into the O2 head office and demand these details Jim.

What everyone against this seems to be missing here is the legal approach taken to deal with this unlike ACS Law who just sent out the letters and "scared" anyone who responded into paying up. Thats the definition of "speculative invoicing"

The laws as far as I know it are supervising this venture that it doesnt run out of control so why the opposition???

It seems crazy to me that there are more pressing concerns that need this kind of rebellion and support and not getting it but the moment a producer goes out there to protect his interests he is met with derision for it.

I notice Ben Dover is the one getting a kicking for this but no one ever slagged off Darker Enterprises or Mike Wallace for their venture with ACS Law.

And here I am...still waiting for these links to the innocent parties. Come one people. Help me out here. I'm trying to be fair and see it from your point of view but all I'm getting is pure conjecture.

Youre arguments are weak and I remain unconvinced.
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by jimslip »


Firstly O2 Broadband WAS forced by a judge to give names and addresses to Goldeneye Ltd, with the added caveat that they couldn't charge ?700 to the recipients of the threats. I wonder why the judge did this? If O2 had refused they would have been held in contempt of court.

I can't understand why you are so defensive of this whole speculative invoicing scam. You seem to be suggesting that there will be no innocent victims of this "Purge". You are missing the point when you demand links to "Innocent victims", can't you see the innocents will simply pay up, the last thing they want to do is start shouting about it to all and sundry.

Are you stating without doubt that there will be absolutely no chance of any innocent victims being terrorised into paying a sum to ACS law? Or are you saying, "So what if a few people get their lives ruined, the end justifies the means?"

The recipient is offered a choice to either spend ?10,000 in legal represenation to "defend" themselves or pay ?500 or whatever to make the problem go away. I wonder what you or anyone else on BGAFD would do if they ever got such a letter and were totally innocent. But it appears you are saying that this would be impossible and ALL recipients are GUILTY AS CHARGED!

Are you suggesting all the concerned consumer groups like "Consumer focus" and even the House of Lords, all have a vendetta against bendover and speculative invoicing? I believe this whole thing is gathering a momentum of its own and our already dying UK industry is now being dragged through even more shit as a result of this whole tawdry business.

Finally if Bendover is "Getting a kicking" its because he is in love with any prospect of fame or publicity and has therefore put himself in the public eye when he could have kept his head down.

The whole reason why Hollywood and the music business stopped attacking individuals at home in this way was because they realised it tarnished their industry. It appeared like the jackbooted mega rich dude smashing the little guy. God only knows what the general public will think of us when this become major news. Luckily I live and operate abroad.

We all want to stop piracy but I don't believe this is the way to do it and just because I have this view doesn't make me, "Pro- pirates" when we actually have a whole department fighting the problem at source, ie the tube sites.

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

No Jim, O2 ar enot forced. hey are cooperating

Ive no doubt there is a very real possibility that innocent people can be caught up and Ive stated this elsewhere on this thread they given this is under the scrutiny of the law, people will be given the chance to appeal

There seems to be many differences between this and the ACS Law scam

I noticed you use the term scam with this scheme which shows your contempt for it. i dont know how you can sit on the fence and just assume this is ACS Law all over agian when this time out it is being supervised to make sure it doesnt go the way of the ACS Law scam.

Maybe you are blinded by your contempt for Ben Dover as you have voiced your dislike for him in other posts that are documented on this forum. Im sure its all in the spirit of competition of course because you both did used to shoot for TVX but it is contempt nonetheless as I cant see any other reason for it.

I accept there is a very real possibilty I could be wrong but then I dont know why you seem to be flying the flag and crusading the innocent people who I've still yet to be given links about.

That is central t my point because like a doubting Thomas, all I keep hearing when it comes to this anti piracy thing is justification for not doing anything about it.

I dont see you getting involved with more pressing things that affect producers like yourself but the chance to kick Ben Dover in the nuts with this just feels a bit too obvious to me.

I don't feel I am defending him as much as I feel there is something seriously flawed in the thinking of posters on this thread that make me wonder if something more personal and malevolent is at play.

Anybody reading this thread will see it by the key words used that this is not just about a man protecting his interests
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by william »

Make porn mainstream - its pretty much nearly there anyways.

Ive no ruck with using DRM software as they should have done - this smacks of trying to shut the gate after the horse has bolted. It also feels like a scam to obtain money with menace ! there are laws against that and if anything like this came my way id do what ever I could to ensure that it was promptly stopped in its tracks. How dare he try to obtain money from me without proper proof that I have illegally downloaded his me cynical but this whole thing is about finding a money stream and milking it as much as he can.

So remove the ugly scary fear of porn - who gives a stuff if Ive looked at porn and knocked one out ? is it such a terrible crime ? Nah its been going on for years so have no shame - just stare them down and walk away....
one eyed jack
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

It also feels like a scam to obtain money with menace

Not to my knowledge. I think you are confusing this with ACS Law. All the stuff I'm reading abut it seems to be the law imposing restrictions on what fines can be issued according to the means of the offender and the wording has to be approved to not make it appear threatening and the offender has the right to appeal.

That doesnt sound so awful to me.

I still find it amazing that people assume this is the same thing as ACS Law all over again.

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