Fiona Cooper and Certification

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Fiona Cooper and Certification

Post by Anthony »


Saw your reply on forum, and I was wondering. You mentioned that you had:

I have a database of FC's work which presently runs to somewhere around 1230 video's. This includes FC name, video number and other similar type of information as given by FC together with more commonly known names i.e. those on BGAFD and/or modeling names as and when these have been discovered.

Would it be possible to have a copy of this or is it for your own personal use only? I too have been doing this but it is taking ages to complete. I have a lot of tapes that FC used to produce back in early 80s right up to present day approx 300.

I would be more than happy to participate in running an off shoot for FC on BAGFD just drop me a line.


Re: Fiona Cooper and Certification

Post by John »

I believe that you've also E-Mailed me about this and, although I haven't replied yet, I will reply within the next few days.