Hello, Ive been trying to locate this title featuring Tiffany Walker in the U.S., with no luck. Does anybody out there own this one? Please, if anybody has it, or knows who the publishing company is, let me know. It's not TTV, like other Horny Henry titles.
Horny Henry's British Tarts
Re: Horny Henry's British Tarts
I think this is an R18 (i.e. certificated and perhaps censored in and for the UK) version of Henry's British Tarts. It features on the following site, but I'm not sure they sell overseas, though they might:
I suspect it may have been given an R18 certificate before the guidelines were relaxed last summer; so I'm not sure how hard it is. Perhaps others who contribute to this forum might know.
I suspect it may have been given an R18 certificate before the guidelines were relaxed last summer; so I'm not sure how hard it is. Perhaps others who contribute to this forum might know.
Re: Horny Henry's British Tarts
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I'd have to pay $20 to join the site before I couldn't even view their catalog or ask if that title's available. But I did e-mail the webmaster. Hopefully I hear back.
Re: Horny Henry's British Tarts
> I suspect it may have been given an R18 certificate before
> the guidelines were relaxed last summer; so I'm not sure how
> hard it is.
It was classified July 24th. I don't know, but I'd guess it was to new R18 standards because everyone was waiting on the court decision before submissions. If you do a date-specific search on www.bbfc.co.uk for R18s between the first of July and the first of August, 2000, you can see it was classified on the same day as "strap-on sally part 8" and two days before Charlie's Private Sessions Volume Two. I'm pretty sure these were both classified in the post-guideline-change period.
The run length is given as 61m 21s with no cuts.
Obviously it would be great if someone who has actually seen it can confirm or refute this.
> the guidelines were relaxed last summer; so I'm not sure how
> hard it is.
It was classified July 24th. I don't know, but I'd guess it was to new R18 standards because everyone was waiting on the court decision before submissions. If you do a date-specific search on www.bbfc.co.uk for R18s between the first of July and the first of August, 2000, you can see it was classified on the same day as "strap-on sally part 8" and two days before Charlie's Private Sessions Volume Two. I'm pretty sure these were both classified in the post-guideline-change period.
The run length is given as 61m 21s with no cuts.
Obviously it would be great if someone who has actually seen it can confirm or refute this.
Re: Horny Henry's British Tarts
Thanks - I was confused by the fact that I had seen the box cover about before that.