On the Strandland site,and indeed on this site reference is
made to the Film/Video.Stacey and Shonas Gang Bang.I have my doubts as to the existence of such a Video/film.A substantial reward is offered to anyone who can prove it exists.A substantial reward is also offered to anyone who can supply the Color Climax Video of Stacey Owen,or prove that exists too.Come on Chaps do your best to earn some dosh.
Message for McCavity,or Remington or anyone..
Re: Message for McCavity,or Remington or anyone..
I have the master to the Stacy one with the guy in bar tall dark haired guy called Steve and one with Shona and one with Mel Penny
but I have never done anything with it as I don't have the rights, I also have the Color Climax magazine with her in it.
If you are down this way sometime(Sussex) a private viewing room is available.
Phil McC
but I have never done anything with it as I don't have the rights, I also have the Color Climax magazine with her in it.
If you are down this way sometime(Sussex) a private viewing room is available.
Phil McC
Re: Message for McCavity,or Remington or anyone..
Can't prove that they exist but according to my notes:
Stacey and Shona Gang Bang: American short. 17 minutes. 1991(suggesting that it's a take off of something else)
Color Climax Video. 1990
Stacey and Shona Gang Bang: American short. 17 minutes. 1991(suggesting that it's a take off of something else)
Color Climax Video. 1990
Re: Message for McCavity,or Remington or anyone..
hi phil;
i would love two come down some time two see the tape of stacey and shona gang bang just tell me when at the weekend what day and i will be down like a shot,also phil could u please tell me what vids stacey and shona have been in and what r they up two these days if u r still in touch with them wish them all the best from me please,keep up the good work phil
i would love two come down some time two see the tape of stacey and shona gang bang just tell me when at the weekend what day and i will be down like a shot,also phil could u please tell me what vids stacey and shona have been in and what r they up two these days if u r still in touch with them wish them all the best from me please,keep up the good work phil
Re: Message for McCavity,or Remington or anyone..
Getting 3hrs + of Color Climax soon and they're what my pal describes as "old ones", so I'll keep my eyes (and flies) open...
Re: Message for McCavity,or Remington or anyone..
Should have something by next weekend. Fingers crossed eh?