bluebird updates

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by gdw »

This Farce makes Eastenders look staggeringly realistic

honestly you couldn't make this up
Christian Storm
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by Christian Storm »

Notice Hiwatt & Bobby Duke are talking there usual shite on the other Bluebird thread, but haven't made the effort to come on here and answer any of the total fair and just answers people have put to them.
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by Josie4 »

"Be careful guys, a friend on Facebook told me that bluebird are intending to sue people who do not post positive things: They have instructed their lawyers that they believe their critics to be in a conspiracy to injure or a conspiracy to damage their business interests and any legal action would be brought on that basis."

Is this right ECG1 ? you seem to be some kind of stooge for BB looking back at your posts. Let's dissect your statement....."bluebird are intending to sue people who do not post positive things" Sooooooo basically anyone that does not post a positive statement about BB will get sued LOL I think not....maybe you mean "anyone that posts a negative comment about BB will get sued" ??

OK on what basis ??? on the basis that every single disgruntled "customer" of BB is somehow in cahoots and organising some kind of campaign..... ?? Extreme paranoia at the minimum.

No I'll tell you what the story is..... a while ago the owner of BB got lucky in a court case and now thinks he is invincible. If something happens he doesn't like he throws his toys out of the pram and threatens legal action.......ridiculous legal action:


1) He tried to sue the landlords of the lockups he was using
2) Threatened every producer on this board with legal action if they didn't ask his permission to use models that had worked for him
3) Apparently PRIVATE (the biggest porn and oldest porn company on the planet) are being sued by him too, cos they have no clue and BB are the porn kings........NOT
4)Another obscure legal threat now from EGC1 (aka BB stooge :)

These are facts......
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by Josie4 »

"Er, ever so slightly. He is a lawyer !!"

NO he isn't a lawyer, he was struck off and cannot legally practise, please Google the relevant person.
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by ECG1 »

Josie4 wrote:

> Is this right ECG1 ? you seem to be some kind of stooge for BB
> looking back at your posts.

> 4)Another obscure legal threat now from EGC1 (aka BB stooge :)
> These are facts......

I am not a stooge for Bluebird. And I can prove it:

Would a Bluebird stooge post a link so damming?

Anyway, this is what the owner of said on Bluebirds legal stance:

"We have a serious problem in that Bluebird claim that anything negative said about them is part of a conspiracy of sabotage against them, led and organised by plants from other channels and supported by disgruntled ex-employees and job hunting rejects. For example, they claim to have interviewed Vostok for a cameraman job and turned him down, ever since when he's been waging a vendetta against them. Chilly is an obvious Cellcast plant in their opinion and EmpireOfShit is an embittered ex-employee who worked for them years ago. Bluebird further claim that if the forum allows these people to conspire together to do Bluebird harm, they can take legal action against the forum for deliberately allowing the forum to be used as a Bluebird sabotage machine. If the forum allows itself to effectively become part of the conspiracy, and is continually used by Bluebird enemies as a base for and means of striking at them, Bluebird will react by suing the forum for the tort of conspiracy to damage their interests.

Since Bluebird seem to think that ANY criticism of them of ANY kind may be coming from an established Bluebird enemy and is motivated by malice against them, rather than being genuine comment on their shows/business, it makes it very difficult to have any discussion about them here at all, because what is discussion if it can't involve criticism?"

Christian Storm
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by Christian Storm »

just what I was thinking TC.

The owner of Bluebird is the lad who dressed up as Batman on the dire looking Batfucks right?
one eyed jack
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by one eyed jack »

There we go with the threats of suing again.

Why do people think that others sit around all day engineering the demise of their bsuiness when running ones own is time consuming enough

Have they considered that complaints and criticisms are actually from legit imate posters who are unhappy with their service or products for whatever reason?

You really have to have thick skin to be in this business or any like it because people are always going to bad mouth you. Comes with the territory.
Dave Wells
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by Dave Wells »

Yes for sure, but he can mentor others can't he you pillock !

Dave Wells
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Re: bluebird updates

Post by tomtr »

I think Bluebird may be busy dealing with criticism in the future, even though they try to stifle it. Mostly they seem to have succeeded so far, and even a long standing and highly distinguished site like BGAFD may not be immune from their pressure and possibly may to some extent yield to their wishes. But what they can't take care of very easily is places like Facebook, which has suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree with anti-Bluebird pages, especially from girls they have 'let go' recently. According to these Facebook pages a list of Bluebird sackings was announced on the internet without the sacked girls having been spoken to beforehand or in any way informed of their sackings.
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