What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

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Bicycle Bum
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Bicycle Bum »

Admittedly, it is my view that 'most', but not all, girls who venture into porn don't have a lot going for them apart from what they can gain through their good looks. I've often wondered why a good looking girl doesn't simply stick to escorting exclusively, instead of venturing into porn. She could cater for the better class of guy (which isn't to say the better class of guy can't be loathsome at times). Escorting isn't all about sex either, and you always get to use condoms. You don't have to worry about relatives finding out, and job prospects in other areas are not compromised. It doesn't have to be dangerous either, if well thought through. I know some pornstars do escorting as well. Some came from porn to escorting, some from escorting to porn. Having heard an interview with R***e R******s, I concluded that 'there's a girl with a sound brain' who could easily tease the heavy wads of money out of a rich banker's wallet.

But there is nothing in my experience that makes it believeable that a girl would pursue a path in porn entirely for reasons of showing off. I've known girls who were a bit slutty, dirty, and highly sexed, but never anyone who wanted to broadcast these facts from the highest rooftop. Don't get me wrong, I like porn, wish I could meet someone different like that, but it still baffles me.

Porn has always done two things for me. It has aroused me, and intrigued me at the same time. Or rather the girls have intrigued me. I definitely think some girls in porn have emotional problems, others have no problems at all.

I know some girls make a major killing from porn, millions of dollars after just a few years, but most know from the start that thy aren't going to make a lot of money, not even close.

Is porn some sort of catharsis. For men it's really very straightforward, they want to fuck a lot of women, perhaps above their level, and not have to pay for the privilege. Women haven't this excuse, and the money is not an excuse either.

Fully weighed up, is porn a better package of choices than escorting? I don't think so, and when most girls leave the industry behind I don't think they will either.

Some women have the bodies of goddesses but the minds of ordinary working class people. Porn is a legitimate path for such women, since it is they who both want and can expect to earn a lot of money from it.

If I was a sexy, good looking girl, without strong academic abilities, I wouldn't want to hold down a fairly menial job either, whether it be secretary, seamstress, check-out assistant, care-worker, what-ever. I'd try to cash in on my best talent, my looks.

Sarah Young pursued porn because she was a rare nymphomaniac, who really did like all the exhibitionism. That's fine, but I wonder how she now feels about her past since taking an interest in Law (or did she qualify?)?

In a final analysis, I think most girls who venture into porn just don't want to perceive themselves as prostitutes, and somehow think porn is something different entirely.
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Samara »

you raised some very good points in a none derogatary way ... and alot are right.

admittedly, I was a struggling student from a good family, but not a wealthy one ... it just a fluke I got into porn, someone who knew me said try it, you'd be good at it ... so I looked into it ... gave it a go, had some fun awesum experiences & some shitty ... but its not for me ... I dont care what anyone thinks about me ... so hence Im not bothered regarding materiel being there ... but you have to do what makes you happy, and I didnt feel happy & it wasnt for me ... but some girls do love it & enjoy their career, becos at times it is the high life, like in vegas when people were asking to have their picture took with me, & putting me infront of lines & giving me my lunch free ... I was like this is lovely ... but it isnt something Id like to pursue ... I dont think they even knew who I was lol ... good make up, hair & lingerie can do wonders for how people treat you lol ;p

But I know models that love their job, are happy & are true exhibitionists, everybody different ... for me no it wasnt for me, I just wasnt happy & you cant help when everyone can see you, but comparing yourself to others & I was dieting, planning surgery & peroxide, but then thats not me either.

I agree with escorting, dont have anything against it & think done peoperly it is as you say, so I dont have any arguements with you on that score.

you raised some very good points, but everyone different, & where you might be right in alot of cases, its not every 5 fingers on the hand the same, everyone different, and does the same things for different reasons.

who knows, see when you right like you wrote the last post, I quite like u lol. but I do reject tht someone has to be size 8, perfection goddess to be a pornstar, in vegas there was companies & they all have models representing them, and I spoke and met, and these models every size, ethnicity, shape, look ... yet all of them were big stars out there, there's companies like heatwave that only produce african american porn, and the girls are all size 14 little smaller, bigger with gorgous booty's & all stars, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the girls were beautiful, charismatic & theres companies like slick chicks, who specilise in ethnic models, who if I'd been there to work & had permit couldve shot with ... and there models again all shapes, sizes, looks different ... but they were all stunning ... and charismatic ... like I went through bad self esteem along time ago, teenage, I wanted to look like kate moss & b small & thin & then as I got older, it didnt matter anymore as I learnt that your body will always be the goddess type to some guys ... you just learn to love yourself & have confidence.

samara sands

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by saratoga120 »

Kelly Nichols became a very high-in-demand make up artist (It was also what she was doing when she got into porn and, indeed, while making it. Remember Patty Smythe of Scandal fame? Kelly did her make-up on both the "Goodbye to You" and "Warrior" videos).
one eyed jack
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by one eyed jack »

In a final analysis, I think most girls who venture into porn just don't want to perceive themselves as prostitutes, and somehow think porn is something different entirely.

Once upon a time I subcribed to that belief but first hand observations over time have led me to believe otherwise.

As a producer it is not much different to getting someone in and using them for their acting abilities to sell a product

Your analysis might be apt for someone producig gonzo porn as a cheaper alternative to escorts but I make a product to make money back on it and dont indulge in the talents personally..though you will find me occasionally leching, the girls know I dont mean this more than just cheeky fun and in truth if I had half a chance I would act on it but I choose not too rather than complicate my life. That makes me the exception and ot the rule.

We are neither right nor wrong on this depending on your point of view. Confused?

Thats what I mean

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Samara »

again very good points ... is there a right or wrong ... or a definitive answer to something that is multi faceted ... its theorising ... who knows ...

why do people see the word prostitute as some form of demon word ... it doesnt sound nice, because people dont make it sound nice ...

But it's a needed service in society ... so as a performing you sell skills of a sexual nature for adult entertainment ... but technically it is the same service and an escort - it does sounds nicer ... sells private entertainment of a sexual nature ... at end of the day everyone getting paid to have sex ... but why is it viewed so badly ... it's something that is needed in consumer land or it wouldnt sell! and if its done correctly, sexually health safely ... safely in terms that the girl/male is choosing to do it in safe enviroment with no pressure or force and then why is it so bad!

At the end of the day, when a guy chooses to buy porn or see an escort, he's not being conned, manipulated, everyone knows the score, its a mutual transaction under no falso pretences of a service ... is it not worse those people that gold dig, or use people who fake emotions or hurt feelings ... in my mind they are worse! If a guy just wants sex or strings free companionship ... he can see an escort, he's not hurting her feelings or leading her own and noone feelings get hurt or led on, the viceversa if someone see's an escort, they up front know that they are paying for this companionship/action & that it is not emotive & what its all about ... so they dont get hurt! I think its actually a problem solver tbf!

a girl knew bout me being in adult industry, well 2, particular & really judged me for it, 1 tried act like it was ok, but would then say and how can you do this before every comment regarding, the other just treat me like shit ...

one was with a guy who lived in birmingham, messing around up here with 2 or 3 different guys behind his back, yet he'd proposed & was sending her money from his wages every week to put into an account for when they got married, that she was spending on going out, drinking which he didnt know she did, weed which he didnt know she did! and once a guy she was messing around with! yet she was judging me ... in my view her actions are worse, that guy obviously head over heels & he gonna get hurt!

the second was divorced from a guy that never been with anyone else since her for few years he still so in love, but to us she say he disgust, but she happy him to fund her weed habit, buy her lap tops & give her money, yet behind his back she with a guy, talking to a number of guys to get together, but when it all falls aprt even though he disgusts her ... she goes to him to take her out & cry on his shoulder ...

and when they judging me, I pointed this out, but apparently its ok to put me down, its ok to judge me, but people cant see wrong in their own actions.

same at uni when I was outed, I been on nights out with them, I know what they do, but people just like to judge!

world is upside down ... atleast pornstars & escorts are upfront & honest in their communications & associations ... thats all I can say lol

samara sands

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Marie-Louise »

here we go again all pornstars are the scum of the earth well let me tell you my friends & my large family knows exactly what i do when im not on tv i get why arent you on tv some of my friends & family have children & ive even helped friends baby sit like my mates little nephew & one of my other friends children & family i even dog sit shar peis sometimes they love me cos i spend time with them i also got offered a full time job so it could have been the end of the melons also most xmases i help out in a very well to do public house cos i lke to & i am i curvy size 14/16 feel great & we dont need people putting us down a friend of mine who appears on soaps told me i was to good for this job but i love it & i love my fans love to you all

you only got one life so live it & be happy!!
im like marmite you either love me or you hate me lols

Love 'n' Kisses Marie-Louisexxxx (36gg boobies)
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Samara »

hey hun

I hope that was at only the bad posts on the thread ....

cos I said we are good & also, Im in same boat as in getting the out downs ) :

but you go girl xx

samara sands

Posts: 660
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Marie-Louise »

yes hun that was at the bad posts
love melons

you only got one life so live it & be happy!!
im like marmite you either love me or you hate me lols

Love 'n' Kisses Marie-Louisexxxx (36gg boobies)
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by videokim »

90% of our friends are porn stars or escorts & all are genuine lovely people who are more like family to us rather than industry workers.
we got into this by accident after News papers & media reported a film that was never made for release.
It was made for a laugh with other swingers to pass around etc, after this we put our head in the sand for a year while things died down but by this time everyone knew including our families & friends.
We could now thank the arsehole reporter who ruined us as we have adapted to porn like ducks in water but he sadly left his job after being caught with an escort a couple of years later, we happened to have some photo's of him & this girl fall in our lap which the other leading Sunday papers & his family loved...who said porn was bad lol!
Doing porn builds confidence so any other job after this seem pretty easy & if people can't handle the fact we do or did porn 'fuck em'.

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

Bicycle Bum
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Bicycle Bum »

OEJ, I just want to make one last point, before this thread slips away.

There's nothing 'inherently' wrong with prostitution, or porn, but as a producer you can't simply take any girl at face value. Just because a girl says to you she wants to make a porn debut, it doesn't mean she does. She might actually just be experiencing a lack of confidence but remaining scarcely conscious of this fact. Performing is not a cure for this.

Personally, I cannot simply ignore that what a lot of women say when it comes to sex just isn't what they mean. Men can pretty much be taken at face value. I know I can. I simply just love women's bits and bobs, can't get enough. Nothing to do with trying to get revenge on the female of the species, or fallout from early childhood trauma. Wish I could say the same thing about escorts though, but have met few this straightforward. It's not a particular problem though, since they leave behind no lasting legacy.

You make real-life couples porn so this is pretty safe as far as I'm concerned, but what of those very young 18 year olds snapped up by producers who crave only fresh young meat. Can you really take their word for it that they want to take it up the ass for the whole world to see?

I can spot the real performers a mile off. I'll give you an example. Check out the cover girl in 'GGG - Das erste Mal Die Sperma Zarin'. This girl is quite well off financially. She's conservative and doesn't want to make a habit out of porn. This will probably be her one and only performance. I can understand why she did it. Being respectable just doesn't conform to what most of us know about ourselves, so this performance was her way of addressing the hypocrisy. She might even have given her fee to charity, who knows?, but there are genuinely respectable people out there, actually and potentially. Personally, I've always been a dirty bastard, since puberty, but I hope I'm innocuous at the same time. Most girls just aren't dirty enough for porn or prostitution, but they will get smeared just the same. Can you tell the difference?

Porn, or prostitutiion will never gain widespread acceptance, in fact, we could be heading back towards conservative attitudes again, in a generation or two from now.
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