What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

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Bicycle Bum
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What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Bicycle Bum »

I imagine working in an office environment is out of the question since a girl will never hear the end of her porn past. Working with children might not be a wise move either.
one eyed jack
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by one eyed jack »

Inotice the jobs that are quite common are workingin old peoples homes...as if to say they want to do something so far removed from what they used to do that the old folk would never know...Or qualified massage therapists and I dont mean as in escorting or knocking shops.

Some just become mums and put their wild pasts behind them as youthful exhuberance.

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Samara »

you just got be strong & ignore negavity over your porn you done, people at uni found out what I did, and every facebook status for our year was something bout me, nasty & I was stupid & weak & left ... but now I think fuck them, there still always going to be open minded people that dont care, I found out who my real friends were ... so Im going back ... career wise ... no you cant work with children & couple other jobs ...

but there's loads of jobs in the world, so if you ignore the banter & just hold your head up high ... I dont see why anyone cant do anything they want ...

samara sands

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by max_tranmere »

I would imagine many future employers would not find out unless you were super famous - i.e. known by people other than porn makers and viewers. As I imagine it is mostly cash-in-hand in the porn biz, the Tax Office is rather unlikely to have offical records of you having worked as a porn star. It is something that people may not know about. I am a big fan of Laura Hermansen and I know she worked as a fitness instructor before becoming a porn star. I would imagine she has probably gone back to that. Seeing as most of her clients in the fitness instructor groups that she would run now (I am only guessing she's now doing that, but it seems likely) then there's even less of a chance of people knowing now as women are not porn consumers as much as men are. Laura would be about 29 now and I expect she has rarely come into contact with people who know what she used to do since she has quit the porn game.
one eyed jack
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by one eyed jack »

I resent that ex porn stars not working with kids comment.

This subscribes to the stereotype that because we do porn thereofre we have no morals therefore we are all kiddy fiddlers...Fuck those hyspocrites who think so is what i say.

I found the real ones you need to watch out for are the very same people who like to think we are all like that.

The type that wouldnt watch porn because its disgusting but go and see an escort and play school girl games.

Porn is a back door way into a much larger world. Girls should be more confident because it means if you leave porn to flip burgers in Mickey Deez you just done fucked up!

Its simply not true. All the parents where I live know what I do and I'm the one that videos the kids annual birthday parties, weddings (did one recently) and not one of those parents have given me the evil eye.

Bicycle Bum
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Bicycle Bum »

I was thinking more about working in a primary school, or hospital for children, or some other official role involving children. If word got out you took it up the ass by umpteen men the pressure would be to sack you. One girl who works for ryanair didn't get the boot, but what if this job involved mostly children?
erotic images
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by erotic images »

What makes me laugh about this is as soon as the word "Porn Star" comes into it it makes you a bad person if you go on an 18-30 holiday fuck feast this does not seem to tarnish you with the same brush

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by videokim »

When we first started John was sacked from his job working with problem teenagers simply because the council didn't know how to handle things if it leaked out, he had done the job for years & was good at it but they explained to him because of his link in porn he couldn't work for social services or ever have a job in local goverment anymore.
We hope things have changed now but old habits die hard when it comes to the councils caring industry, private companies may be different.

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

one eyed jack
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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by one eyed jack »

Maybe the governemnt should think about taking on retired porn stars and training them to be deadly ASSassins! Geddit? Ass- ass-ins Geddit??? hee hee

I really find it difficult to comprehend how a girl who takes her clothes off and engages in sexual activities is somehow immoral to the point she cannot be employed doing a normal job.

This actually shows the ignorance of the people who think that so maybe they are worse thna the peopl who actually do it by their very thinking.

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Re: What careers do pornstars pursue after retirement?

Post by Masie »

What ever tehy fucking want to do, this job doesnt affect anything one little bit. I used my lap dancing expereince when i interviewed for an estate agents job as it was a good example of sales and i got job, they love having porn star in the office. But seriously its just a job. We have all proven by becoming porn stars we have drive and focus thus an ex porn start will be what ever she wants to be next and this job will have hell all to do with it.
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