A Personal View on UK Porn

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Remmington Steel

A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Remmington Steel »

Just a personal view.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. People only buy what they want, and what turns them on. When dealing with sex, maybe providing a service or producing a work of art or indeed a porno film, there are as many differing likes and dislikes as there are birds in the trees.

Think of the word fetish, now try and work out how many activities come under that heading, simply mind-boggling, I would love to see what someone?s definitive list contains, you could guarantee that someone would always be able to add to it. If we as producers do something you the buying public don?t like we are not able to survive. There is always the argument that maybe if only a limited selection is available then a choice of one is not really a choice. In the porno video industry that could never be said. We as producers may have our own particular preference for the way a scene or a situation should be tackled but we always have to bear in mind that at the end of the day someone has to agree with our interpretation and buy the product.

Over the last few years the ?gonzo? style has come into its own. Before the advent of the affordable video camera there were no such films and the word did not exist.

The video camera has made everyone with the price of a camera a porno producer. No bad thing, let as many as possible have a chance. Because amateurs, housewives, and the not so pretty are being featured should not detract from the validity of the product, where we should draw the line is at badly produced and photographed product. There are plenty of examples of that around.

It is now a fact that the best selling product features ?the girl next door?. Maybe that will change now that there has been a relaxation in the legality of our product. In the past it has been very difficult, if not impossible for a girl to achieve celebrity status as a porn star. Sarah Young had to go to Germany, Nici Sterling to the USA. It has likewise been difficult for the producers and directors to work in peace, never knowing when plod would put down his confiscated copy of Tits and Bums weekly to come and break down your door and wreck your house. Oh yes, it has happened. We gave the local plod there own key to the door at one stage, cheaper than replacement! After 12 raids in as many months one almost starts to believe that porn must be dangerous, ranking alongside violence. We have all heard the term ?sex and violence? the two words always linked, used by the crackpots who have for so long stunted the development of the porn film in the UK.

There should now be a breath of fresh air. I as a producer will stand back, try to asses what YOU want, and to present it to you as professionally as possible. The technology today is so good that you are entitled to expect the highest possible quality. We can now go and seek out the kind of girls and guys you want to see without having to speak to the in whispers and feature them in the scenes you want to see.

One more method of governmental control has been withdrawn from the British Establishment. You now have the freedom to buy a properly produced product, it?s up to us all to protect that freedom and support those British producers who are taking the time and trouble to produce the films for you.

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by alec »

I agree with this except that outside London the choice of R18s, judging by recent experience, will be limited and *very* expensive. Many of the mail order companies selling uncertificated stuff are all ripping off the same videos from the same people (not only unethical but bad business I would have thought); so the choice is not as wide as it should be and testing by success or failure in the 'market' is therefore not yet as reliable as it might be.

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by joey »

Is there some reason why those producing R18 films can't have a "close business relationship" with a separate foreign company which would import the same films via mail order to British customers?

I have always assumed that this was how the Fiona Cooper company worked - and strangely you don't see them getting prosecuted, though they have been "importing" (it may well be that the actual product never leaves these shores, hence the quotes) uncertificated material for years.

Also, you don't see their product on sale anywhere else - except for small independent traders with two VCRs, I suppose.

Why is theirs not a workable strategy for other uk producers?

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Pasta »

Well all I would like to say on this is that now things are more liberal in terms of producing and releasing the movies, I would like to have the opportunity to actually buy the product!

The current situation that places control of the legal market in the hands of a cartel that controls those few licensed sex shops is unacceptable. We need to liberalise the selling of the videos too, so they can be sold in a proper manner so customers' and producers' interests are protected. I have heard Ben Dover complaining about the paltry sum the sex shops were offering him for his tapes. They would still charge the punters an over-inflated price

We need to have unrestricted mail order, if need be by credit card to verify age, and more sex shops independently run, plus distributors who have some cash to invest in quality duplicating equipment as in continental Europe. To make a quality product as has been said.

Remmington, what are your views? Do you prefer to sell uncertificated from outside the UK, or would you try to co-operate with the sex shops so you can sell R18 vids legally?

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Ned »

Totally agree with regard to price and availability. You can't buy British video or DVD anywhere near where I live. London is the closest city with supplies. Mail order is a bitch too because there's no way I'll pay ?25+ for a pirated, shit quality tape. British DVD is impossible to find at a good price (?35 and up is not good when you can get US DVDs for as little as ?15) so cheap, say ?20, mail order product would be ideal. Any producers willing to do it though?
Remington Steel

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Remington Steel »

It is a sad fact that when you have restrictions there will always be people who wish to capitalise on that situation. We at Strand are at the moment looking at various ways our product can be marketed to you. Although there has been a relaxation of the law with regard to the classification and the strength of the videos there are still some anomalies with regard to the supply and marketing. In effect we as producers can produce the product, the government created watch dogs can certificate it as safe to be viewed but they then do not make any provision for you as the potential customer to make your purchase. As stated, at the moment you have the choice of inflated prices or pirate copies, not that any of you would buy from a pirate!
I can promise that within a short period you will be able to buy the Strand product, have a look at the site for more details on both the product and news of the availability. Our entire product will come direct from the digital master, it will have a box and cover and it will be of the best possible quality.
As to CD?s and DVD?s it would be interesting to know how many people would like to purchase their films on these formats, please let us know direct.

In reply to some other comments we have decided one of the features of our site the ?girl of the month? this will give us a chance to see what sort of response we get to a particular girl and if she is popular to promote her and present her in the way you like. We will be choosing girls of all ages and from all backgrounds. Some may have been in the business and some will be new. This month our girl is Anna Mendelson, Next month we feature Holly, any suggestions for the one after that? All the girls of the month will make a video and pose for a good selection of pictures.

As to the old Strand girls making new films? If you can help me find them, I will ask them. Remember though, we are all a little older! To remake some of the Strand titles as hardcore movies is an idea we will be discussing, possibilities there.
We do have our own notice board on the site, please make use of it, all queries will be answered.


Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by joey »

"Scandelous Studio Tales - The Continental Version" Please! :-)

But seriously, anyone know of any interesting video work by Elizabeth (the "studio owner" from that film) who apparently is/was known as "Liz Leather?" I know he has done Fiona Cooper stuff, though I've forgotten the name. I'd be very pleased to discover any of her woork which would merit her a place on bgafd. It's interesting that Phil McC asks her during her interview in SST about "much naughtier work" and her reaction is either very good acting or she really has done it. Her enthusiasm for "all aspects of modelling" is likewise convincingly projected.

And did any released version of the film include an address for the "studio" or did they all cut off before the end? Everyone seems to say their copy cut off, and both copies I've bought did that (yes, I actually bought a second one just to see if it was only my copy - both ex-rental, of course: sorry Rem and Phil!)

Two questions that have bugged me for several years!

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Anthony »

Hi Guys

Well this is all well and good, but everyone has their own "ideal" for UK porn and how it should be produced and who should star in it. Be it ?the girl next door? or whatever. You can never please all the people all of the time.

I did note about another producer moaning about how little he made on his product (approx ?1.00 per tape) after costs etc and that everyone was pirating his films. Yet he also said in same email that it costs approx ?1000.00 to get film through BBFC and approx costs of shooting and distributing the film of about ?6000.00, if this true he must be selling over 7000 tapes to make a profit, which I think highly unlikely.If this is the case why are you and other producers in the business, if not to make money. It would not make sense as a business if it was not making money.

As for pirate copies you only have yourselves to blame for this, you could try having the tapes sold with macrovision encoding on them which for the masses they will not be able to copy them. If the tape pirated is actually an R18 version it is copyrighted you do have recourse throughout the civil law. As for the uncut version you will have no recourse through the British courts. This is of course if you can prove who has done it.

Its very good "excelling" on about the product, however the main crux of the matter, and going by lots of requests and moans on this site the actual problem is the actual distribution of the product. By that I mean why give the distribution rights to the likes of "Paul Raymond" and "David Sullivans" of this world, no disrespect intended and I am not suggesting that either of these people are to blame (and I fancy keeping my legs). They both have their own niche markets and have done very well out of them.

It is time a there was a bit of healthy competition out there. When did you last spend some money on proper advertising? Have you thought about distributing the product yourselves?

When is the industry going to wake up and actually get a quality product to the consumer on time and at the right price? Without being ripped off by non deliveries or the product not being as described or a pirate copy.

There have been plenty of companies that have come and gone in the past, due to many things and I accept that governmental and Police control do have a deciding factor in this but I am sure that a lot of people will agree with me on this.

You stated above:

"I as a producer will stand back, try to asses what YOU want, and to present it to you as professionally as possible. The technology today is so good that you are entitled to expect the highest possible quality. We can now go and seek out the kind of girls and guys you want to see without having to speak to them in whispers and feature them in the scenes you want to see".

If this is the case, Would you really listen to what we really want or would you interpretate it in your own way as stated above also? If the client does not like your style of producing he will not buy your product at any cost.

How would the general public contact you as most British porn companies hide themselves behind anonymous postal/email addresses? Obviously there is the aspect of the British Law, but I think mostly it is to dupe the consumer when things go wrong and the goods fail to materialise. What you seem to forget that PO box numbers can be traced very easily and so can accomodation addresses, if you know how to do it.

I know this is a little off topic with regards to the above but I beleive in saying what I think.

Please dont think this is a personal thing against you as a producer. This is just a personal observation I have made about the British porn industry, a reply would be nice on the forum though.



Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by NewAgent69 »

Well said Anthony.

Remington Steel put together a couple of very good cogent messages on this forum and we should thank him for that. It's nice that he took the time and trouble. Others wouldn't.

Like you it bothers me that some UK producers seem say they are doing us a favour and are not in the porn business to make money. Who do they think they are trying to kid!

While I'm here I should like to ask a few questions to anyone who cares to answer.

1. If the UK 'amateur' stuff is so amateur why do many of the girls who do it appear lots of times on the database. Surely a contradiction in terms unless they are all doing it all for free!?

2. Why the constant quest by producers for 'fresh meat'. (usually some 18 year old girl who couldn't shag/act if her life depended upon it)? Lets see some regular appearances by some of the more established ladies.

3. Why do so many porn sites (and on occasion this forum) refer to the girls in porn as 'sluts', 'bitches', 'nasty' or other derogatory terms?

4. Why are there no female UK producers of porn?

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by joey »

> Remington Steel put together a couple of very good cogent
> messages on this forum and we should thank him for that.
> It's nice that he took the time and trouble.

Agree. You would kind of think he would spell his own name consistently, though :-) "remmington"/"remington" "steel"/"steele" - which is it? :-)

> 1. If the UK 'amateur' stuff is so amateur why do many of the
> girls who do it appear lots of times on the database. Surely
> a contradiction in terms unless they are all doing it all for
> free!?

Three reasons:

a: An amateur model doesn't necessarily model "for free", just not professionally, ie not as a full time or sole occupation.

b: "Amateur" (or "viewers wives" / "housewives") in the title or marketing material for a production does not at all indicate a genuinely amateur production (an example of what I called "marketing by obfuscation" in an earlier post - perhaps this is your real complaint? I just see "fake amateur" as a genre)

c: An amateur photographer can use a professional model and then have the footage later appear in a commercial distribution

> 4. Why are there no female UK producers of porn?

Fiona Cooper, Delia Samuel, Amanda Charles, Viv Thomas, Paula Markham, Rosalind Woods, Kay Tease, etc. all excepted, of course
