Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

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Bicycle Bum
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Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by Bicycle Bum »

3D HD, and not simply HD, will revitalise an industry that's essentially doomed, so you're gonna be wasting future profits if you don't shoot in 3D HD from this year. Just thought you should know.
Bicycle Bum
Posts: 330
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For now you will need a customized rig with 2 HD cameras mounted 70mm apart

Post by Bicycle Bum »

This is the only affordable option at the moment. The first 3D HD TVs are now starting to appear.
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Re: Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by DanG »

Feh...HD won't mean shit when the Japanese roll out UltraHD in a a couple of years time.

one eyed jack
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Re: Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by one eyed jack »

Bold words.

As long as blokes need a wank on the planet who says this business is doomed?

Are you a producer?

The end has always been nigh since the dawn of man. Im sure 3DHD may take off or like Beta Max, be a dead stick in the water.

Technology is moving so fast at the moment that the world is tripping over itself to keep up.

Unless the credit crunch subsides I cant see this option being viable and even more so the ones that are able to make this next level thing work have just finally got into getting digital tv or analogue.

I'll keep an open mind though and see why you think so but Ive also seen first hand how people are not so quick to catch on with new fads. Especially good old blighty
one eyed jack
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Re: Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by one eyed jack »

Also whats the point if the regular punter has no means to watch it?
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Re: Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by Marino »

HD fucking blue ray super hard drives all annoy the shit out of me. a good old vhs at least if you dropped it on the floor it still worked. And trying to put a dvd in a machine when your hands are covered in fanny juice and lube is also a waste of time. I fucking hate all of this so called future tv. and I am in it.

Jesus all I want is a wank or something on when fucking and now i need a degree to get my cock out.

I don't know how much longer I can stay in this industry it changes it's mind more then I change pants. I am pretty much sick to the back teeth with all ofit

one eyed jack
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Re: Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by one eyed jack »

See what I mean? A regular punter speaks. Now times Marino by...well millions and you will see why i wont be rushing to invest in a 3D HD cam until I know that several million tv sets have been sold that might justify it.

Then I would think about the possible 0.5% who might want to wank over porn then break that down to another 0.5 % that might even be interested in my brand of porn among the sea of stuff already available.

And more so I think the average wanker will have issues sitting there with special goggles on pumping his tool away. It would feel like deep sea diving....Or just plain blooody weird.

A rain mac and rubber wellies might go well with the goggles too.
The Bear up a tree
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Re: For now you will need a customized rig with 2 HD cameras mounted 70mm apart

Post by The Bear up a tree »

Bicycle Bum wrote:

> The first 3D HD TVs are now starting to appear.

no they're fucking not! the technology hasn't even left the R&D labs yet. it'll be a decade before they are considered a viable purchase and that's if the technology even makes it out of development.

oh and are you on crack?

Bicycle Bum
Posts: 330
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Now might be a good time to invest in a 3D HD camera, if you can afford one.

Post by Bicycle Bum »

The credit crunch will actually evolve consumer tech faster than before, since companies will get increasingly desperate. It won't be long before laptops have this new 3D display technology, and it doesn't require goggles either. I'm only suggesting you future-proof your productions, for it might take you a year or two to build up enough 3D HD content to establish a new site. Porn addicts will prefer 3D HD, assuming they have a suitable laptop.
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