Reliable Video Source!!!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Reliable Video Source!!!

Post by Imperator »

Pasta wrote:


> VMD???

Video Marc Dorcel: high budget French filth. Purveyors of Laure Sainclair to the adoring public. You even get to see the odd Brit in there, say Georgette Neale in "L'Indecente aux enfers" or Laura Singer in "Desirs Obscenes". Recommended fare for conservative perverts (defined as "those who get queasy at the sight of Rocco").

> I wasn't actually enquiring after your personal tastes,

You should be, I have great taste :-)

> more
> to see if you were sent anything that might sail a bit close
> to the wind where Customs' fluctuating policy is concerned!
> But thanks for the reply, at least we know that porn can be
> supplied. Were these packs opened or did they come through
> untouched by Customs?

Opened and checked (and presumably dubbed!) every time. I'm sure I'm hugely popular down in Dover.


Re: Reliable Video Source!!!

Post by Pasta »

Ah, Marc Dorcel! I have a very shoddy quality tape of a couple of Michel Ricaud (is that right) movies, one of which features a very young Rocco.

Anyway, I suspect I am now drifting way off topic for this forum, so I will catch you on some other topic soon.