This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Post by jj »

Let us know what, if anything, happens.

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Post by Trumpton »

durris38 wrote:

> Hi
> Anyone had problems with
> It appears they have ripped me off for ?150-00 for order placed
> on 17 December 2007. No goods and no response to numerous e
> mails enquiring about my order!
> Any views would be welcome.

Was this the first order you placed with them? If so, then ?150 for a first order is a huge amount. My advice is when placing your very first order with any company always make it as small as possible, i.e., circa ?15-?20.
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Post by »

If durris38 would like to email direct at or I would look into his problem immediately. We respond to all emails we receive - but email is not as reliable as it was. So many internet providers trash any email they consider to be "adult" without giving the recipient a chance to see it, and without bouncing it back to us so we know its not been received.

We also have a snail mail address and telephone contact lines as alternates if emails appear to be getting no response - but I must stress that we ALWAYS respond to every item of communication we receive, and we have never cheated or stolen from a customer. If either of those things happened, we would not have been able to stay in business for 10+ years

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Post by durris38 »


I contacted Simplydvd by telephone yesterday. They stated that the packages were posted before the 24th and 28th December. Royal Mail confirm that they arrived in the UK on the above dates but beyond that they have no record. Royal Mail said I would need to take it up with the sender which I did and Simply are going to approach Royal Mail about the packages going missing.

However they are not prepared to replace the items or refund the money stating that items have gone missing before. This is the case but this was nothing to do with me and was out with my control. This goes directly against a statement in their terms and conditions about replacement goods. All they offered was to send the items again at cost price by courier all at my expense.

So, I have no goods and I am ?149.00 pounds out of pocket - fair and reliable service? You decide...........................

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Post by jj »

durris38 wrote:
Simplydvd ..... stated that
> the packages were posted before the 24th and 28th December.
> Royal Mail confirm that they arrived in the UK
For RM to be have been able to establish this SPD will usually have had to
provide them with proof of posting. This means that SPD are entitled to
compensation for the 'lost' goods, the amount depending on the service
used- the sender is always the one that has to chase this up and while it
may take ages, it will be paid. Ordinary post comp. is up to about 12
First-class stamps, Special Delivery into the hundreds of pounds, IIRC.
The 'arrived in the UK' bit puzzles me- in my experience SPD orders are
processed in Spain but the goods sent from within the UK, so no overseas
postal service ought to have been involved [which should at least speed
up the nevertheless sloth-like compensation process more than a little].

> However they are not prepared to replace the items or refund
> the money stating that items have gone missing before. This is
> the case but this was nothing to do with me and was out with my
> control.
If you have previously ordered from them and stuff has gone missing then
a more 'robust' method of despatch should have been used this time
round [i.e. Special Delivery or an equivalent]. And if so I would certainly
have stuck to smaller, more 'affordable' amounts- and BTW NEVER order
three weeks this side of Xmas or a fortnight after; I have learned from
bitter experience that the chances of some sticky-fingered or incompetent
postie 'losing' your stuff rises from way less than 1%, to around 30%
as Yuletide approaches. There's also the point that if SPD were unable to
provide a reasonable certainty of your goods arriving safely then they
always had the option of refusing the order and returning your money......
"porn outfit turns down money"- now there's a headline I don't expect to
see in the red-tops any day soon : -)

This goes directly against a statement in their terms
> and conditions about replacement goods. All they offered was
> to send the items again at cost price by courier all at my expense.
My take on this [and I stress that of course you haven't provided FULL
details and we haven't really heard SPD's side- you seem to have 'history'
with them] is that the ideal compromise would be for them to replace the
goods [for which, at some future date they will be wholly or partially
compensated by the RM] by a courier such as FedEx [the latter at your
expense]. If I were paying top dollar [i.e. ?20 a pop- OK, ?17 if you
order ?100-worth] for discs [rather than the $10 or so I usually expect
to pay] I would expect a 'Gold Standard' service- and to be fair SPD
usually provide that, in my experience.
The trouble is, postal ordering only works if all three in the relationship
can trust each other- and unfortunately the 'faithless slut' in the triangle
is usually the Post Office. If you have a poor service or think your postmen
are nicking your goods it's worth taking it up with the local Sorting Office
[they do have an internal security branch and are fairly good at stepping
on thieves or idiots- but it takes time to nab them]. In the meantime take
steps to mitigate any future problems- don't order stuff in large amounts,
have orders sent without plastic DVD-cases; these just add needless
weight and therefore increae the shipping-costs, and make the package
'attractively' bulky. You can buy blank cases for about 2p in the UK.

I'm also still a tad concerned at SPD's apparent initial silence- OK, mails
go missing too, but this sounds a little more like ignoring an 'inconvenient'

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Post by eduardo »

"The 'arrived in the UK' bit puzzles me- in my experience SPD orders are
processed in Spain but the goods sent from within the UK, so no overseas
postal service ought to have been involved".

What usually happens (or used to happen) is that the Dvd's are packaged in Spain and then they use an all in one courier company that gets them into the country and through customs and then handles the Royal Mail side of things as well.

Companies like DHL and Spring Global Mail offer this type of service.

It gives the optional illusion that they were actually posted from within the UK and therefore didn't come through customs when in fact they had to come through customs the same as any other package.

This is how it used to be done but I can't tell you whether this is still the case.

I can't comment on durris38 situation as I don't know the finer details but I am inclined to side with jj in that if there had been previous problems with delivery then maybe the order should have been declined but again as jj also said there are 2 sides to every situation.
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Post by »

I don't normally discuss customer information in an open forum like this, but as Durrus has decided to conduct the dialogue in this way, he leaves me little alternative.

The situation is this. In June of 2007 you ordered 13 dvds from us. In July you informed us that 9 of these had failed to arrive. We therefore shipped all 9 to you again at no cost to yourself by registered post.

In September you informed us that the registrered post reship had also not arrived, so we shipped the dvds to you a third time, this time by courier - at a charge of just ?10 to yourself. So for an initial order of 13 dvds, were actually shipped out 31 dvds to you at no extra charge other than a nominal ?10 courier contribution.

After this sequence of events, it was obvious to us that you had a problem with postal delivery at your address - and mail was being stolen either by someone at your address or by a delivery person.

As a result, when you placed a new order for 9 dvds in December, we sent this order to you by registered post. Again you claim that you have not received this shipment, and Royal Mail are currently investigating to see who actually signed for the package.

As this situation is clearly not of our causing and the problem is obviously with mail delivery to your specific address, we therefore decided that we will not reship the December dvds to you again unless you contribute to the cost.

This may seem harsh, but the fact remains that you have severe mail delivery problems that you seem unwilling to acknowledge - and we cannot just continue to reship and reship dvds to you again and again, as we did last year.

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Post by jj »

That sheds more than a little light; the problem is clearly at the delivery
I think durris has somewhat led us up the garden-path by failing to
detail these previous problems- and frankly, in Keith's position I would
have declined the December order.

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Post by Captain_Kronos »

On a side note,it never ceases to amaze me how certain retailers have email systems that seem to evoke a response everytime(without fail) and some claim it's wildly hit and miss...can't recall an occasion on which an email has failed to reach my inbox...stange isn't it!
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Post by Jacco »

Captain_Kronos wrote:

> On a side note,it never ceases to amaze me how certain
> retailers have email systems that seem to evoke a response
> everytime(without fail) and some claim it's wildly hit and
> miss...can't recall an occasion on which an email has failed to
> reach my inbox...stange isn't it!

It all depends on your provider. The longer a retail company is in business the more likely it is you are on a blocklist as a "known adult company". There was a time when AOL would block all email from us to AOL subscribers. They did not bounce it, it went in a black hole. I had to go in the maillogs to find out what was happening.
Hell, I have email to a certain adult company being blocked, because we were an adult company!
Some providers use blocklists without telling the customer which ones they use. A good provider will let you make a greenlist of allowed companies.
You can always use yahoo or gmail, they do not silently block mail, it might end up in your spamfolder, but telling them it isn't spam usually solves the problem.

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