Bluebird Invitation

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Johnnyboy 22
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Johnnyboy 22 »

I echo your words Marino, couldnt have put it better myself.
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Pancho »

You lost me at some members...

This whole Bluebird thing is getting incredibly boring, I purchased some scenes and it was okay.

But I will always sway more to the old style Ben Dover (not a fan of the BB stuff with him I have to admit), UK RoadTrips and JimSlip... and to a lesser extent Killergram...

Road Trips and JimSlip and again Killergram to a lesser extent have seen me come back time and time again for repeat subscriptions - now of course it's because they had something I wanted.

But Marino took the time to e-mail me when I posted a query a while back and was courteous and friendly, this is someone I've seen in magazine and movies since I was 10/11 years of age - thats as close to Hollywood contact I'm ever gonna get!

Jimslip and Lara post reguarly and are always charming and helpful to any problems as well as being very funny to boot.

Likewise the Killergram clan with Anjali always very quick to respond to paying customers needs.

Now I'm not saying being nice will make me buy your content - but you can see a pattern emerging here can't you? I've bought BB clips this week as I wanted them, but as for sticking around this constant barrage of BB comebacks are becoming tedious and boring.

I watch porn to get away from reality where this is enough fighting and bitching.

Just let the negative comments wash over you, you will always have haters just take the constructive criticism and make things better.

Enough already!
one eyed jack
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by one eyed jack »

Oh come now Paul, it really is you with all that lawyer speak. Speak in laymens english. Chav it up if you have to.

I started reading your post and just thought...Fuck that shit. You are lying. What I absolutely love about lawyers is their ability to rattle off technical jargon like a robot spewing out figures automatically...and do you know what it really means...Yeah bullshit. Lies. Um man speak wit forked tongue.

I bet you really rattle people in a courtcase. I know. I've seen lawyers do it and the jury just falls asleep.

In other words what you are trying to say (if I may translate) is for someone (me) to come and inspect your figures (which on a computer or printout could be doctored up anyway) so that I can be punished by paying a charity of your choosing ?1000. Yeah right. To be honest. I dont really care at th eend of the day. Your company is one I have heard about for the past two or three years and was willing to stomach the rudeness and arrogance because I thought your company was going to be a good thing to the adult industry and I'm sure to all the people you employ it is but to be honest, you dont do yourself any favours with the constant need to justify Blue Birds existence with what I suspect to be figures you've clutched out of the air. I happen to be privy to certain information with certain big companies and just wont accept with all your genius and money that you happened to have the figures you said for members. No way, for the reasons already mentioned thrugh out the other threads.

I'm not interested in arguing with you but I know when I am being hoodwinked. Even if you bought an email list as one poster suggested, I dont think the average punter is going to sign up sight unseen. If I looked at it purely from a wankers point of view, said wanker would have to dig in a few pages already to find the meat of what the site is about? My initial thought is it wasnt a porn site. I only knew it was a porn site because I've known about you guys for awhile. Still I appreciate the need to be different and something different from the rest. I strongly support that. You are in danger of your site being an extension of your personality rather than a site porn fans can buy into. Let the site speak for itself with the content. This all kicked off with complaints which I think you handled fairly well but descended into chaos the moment you decided to be as bad as some of the hecklers and baiters. It just got worse when you started spouting lies. Ok for the record, I have no proof these are lies and assuming it is the truth, I dont think anyone else is convinced. I dont think you are being picked on unnecessarily. I think you are as I said fanning the flames and secretly deep down, relishing it.

Hence my little teaser: Jesus had days like this.

I could go on Paul. I know its you Paul. I know all that lawyer speak wouldnt be from some staff member unless you have lawyers handling your pr that is. If you told me it was raining outside. I would still have to check for myself. You've also revealed a lot about yourself already. Despite the fact you may be egotistical. You also come across as insecure and paranoid, otherwise why would you need to continually come here and justify and defend yourself?

I explained my reason for the rant and stand by it. You may be big for all the money that you have spent but i see a man with a Napoleonic complex going out of control. How do I know this? Its right here in your posts Paul and I dont even know you as a person, though we met fleetingly at Erotica.
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by gdw »

and there's me thinking it would be a boring day
one eyed jack
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by one eyed jack »

Having said that I have to agree with Marino. I've voiced my opinion because I felt strongly about this but in the grand scheme of things I am about peace, love and unity so personal thoughts aside the posters here have made me see the error of my ways.

Ultimately your business is your own and i have no business commenting on it (other than the fact it is a forum where we do share opinions whether you like it or not).

I was just reacting to you throwing down the gauntlet without reading the other posts on here.

Are we cool?
Sam Slater
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Sam Slater »

Wow. Ever heard of paragraphs? But of course you have, the long paragraph is aimed to confuse and overload the senses, obviously.

I bet you could talk your way out of anything with long paragraphs....


[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Mike@MSS »


It?s not often I comment on any forum and I have watched these threads with some amusement! It?s quite obvious that great minds think alike as only yesterday, was I discussing your claims with another industry stalwart and how anyone might validate them. We also came up with the charity route but then stopped there for these simple reasons

Firstly I suddenly realised that I really didn?t care, whilst it has caused a lot of discussion what does it really matter if you have sold one or a million and one downloads. Ultimately it only matters to you; it?s you who?s living with these figures and you who knows the truth. So good luck if you?ve done well and seek help if you haven?t

Secondly Im sure you realise along with most others on this forum that figures can be massaged, big and small companies do it every day and whilst im not saying you would from the looks of it we would have to go to both Cyprus and Spain to really discover the truth! Is it really worth the effort? No like most others on here I have better things to do.

No doubt everyone on here as an opinion about the figures but at the end of the day the only person it really matters to is you

More importantly than these claims though, is you appear to be trying to open some kind of dialogue up on the health and well being of the performers in the industry as you have mentioned this in a few threads of late. This is something that affects all or certainly most producers in the UK and is one of the reasons that UKAP was formed to try and find common ground re testing etc and one thing that previously BAIHA actually achieved was changing the dates and getting all STD testing implemented. So I am delighted to find you so concerned and would therefore like on behalf of UKAP to invite you to our next meeting to discuss with all our members this issue and how we all as big and small producers may work together on it. The meeting is in February in London.

Perhaps you would mail separately re your attendance

In the meantime I wish Bluebird and everyone else who works in the industry or reads this forum a successful and profitable 2008

Mike @ MSS
Sam Slater
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Sam Slater »

Testing on Friday means nothing by Monday morning if the performers been escorting over the weekend.

Why have a safety net and make the holes big enough to fall through?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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