Bluebird Invitation

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Bluebird Invitation

Post by hiwatt »

Some members of the Forum are willing BB's reports of its membership etc to be untrue. Some are unsure. Some don't care and simply want to get on with enjoying the Content and are prepared to overlook the fairly obvious technical defects in the site until the next version comes along. The BB posts have sunk to sickening depths of abuse and personal attacks. Unless this is stopped, that ordure will start flying the other way, and what should be a harmless fun Forum will turn into a cesspit of allegations. So the BB Invitation to those who have been prepared to accuse BB of lying about their launch/member figures goes like this: (1) Nominate a Representative - perhaps One Eyed Jack - or whoever through the Forum. (2) The Representative will pledge to donate all his annual site revenue (or his annual income if not in our business) to a Fund for health testing of adult performers (irrespective of which companies they work for). Each person nominating the Representative who has previously endorsed the 'BB are lying' allegation pledges to contribute ?1,000 to the Fund. (3) The Representative comes to BB Studios and can personally inspect (a) the member data lists (b) the sales returns (c) the actual emails from members/fans. Obviously 30-odd thousand emails will take a bit of going through, but no doubt after a Day or so, the Representative will have seen enough. (4) Having viewed this real evidenced data, the Representative will (i) write out his cheque (ii) mail the Forum with a complete apology and retraction. All his nominees will likewise then mail their cheques to the Fund and write emails of apology and retraction. Since those alleging 'lies' are wrong, BB's counter-wager is acadmic, but anyway, it is to match the same contribution - and those alleging the lying get to be satisfied. Throughout the pre-launch history of BB we have simply reported FACTS in answer to queries: what are the contract girls paid, who are they, what amount of content is being shot etc. We continue to report FACTS. That the FACTS do not fit into the prejudices or opinion frameworks of others is their problem not ours, but it becomes everyone's problem when people use this Forum as a vehicle to flame Producers who are simply going about their business. BB has never itself made any claims about its product. All it has ever done is to state what production resources it is using (FACTS) and who is featuring in or directing its movies (FACTS). It is certain Forum members who have invented characterisations and narratives and then fed off them. When the FACTS reappear, the authors of these fictions respond with their usual cynical, petulant and irridentionist opinions - in preference to the facts, or anyone else's opinions. So the gauntlet is thrown down and it is time to PUT UP OR SHUT UP. So - who's gonna put their money, reputation and credibility where their mouth is ?
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by hiwatt »

Supplementary on related topic 1: Pre-Launch Marketing. With the right resources, real professionals in marketing consultancy can be hired who advise and assist in creating and running effective online and offline marketing programs. Online adult marketing which avoids the use of affiliates is new and BB is hardly going to reveal information, techniques and systems expensively purchased to its competitors. Offline marketing is open and fairly traditional. Go to Venus. Go to Erotica. Collect potential customer names. Work with them. Ask them who they want to see and what they want to see the girls doing. Give it to them. Other more sophisticated offline initiatives include the use of Focus Groups to market test the Contract Stars and the Movies. The girls and scenes which tick the most boxes go up on the Site first: which is why it looks like it does on Day 1. 'Yeah but I is a porn pro for 20 years an' I know what the punters want. I don't need no fancy marketing men tellin' me noffin'. Fine. You sail your ship your way. We have never commented on your business and don't intend to. You could try returning the professional courtesy, or alternatively limit your comments to the truth 'I don't understand how they did that.' Well now you do - right ?
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by DanG »

Aside from all of the other complaints people have about BB, might I interject with a more personal one?

Hiwatt, if you could familiarise yourself with the return key and the simple concept of clearly delineated paragraphs then your posts would be a lot easier to read (content notwithstanding).

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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by hiwatt »

Supplementary Post 2: UKAFA. The obvious line between fair comment and defamatory abuse has been truly stepped over with the express allegation that BB paid money to win awards at the UKAFA 2007. The Contributor alludes to AVN Europe (Jan 08: The allegation is not made in that magazine. Indeed, BB was the first British production company ever to be invited to film on the red carpet at the AVN's (AVN Awards Las vegas 2008). The footage will be on BB's Eyecandy page later this month. Plainly, if there was a word of truth in the allegation, AVN would not have honoured BB with this invitation. Those posting and supporting this defamation have misled the Forum audience by cynical economy with the truth. The UK Awards are (save for BGAFD nomination and certain others) NOT 'viewer' nominated awards. The award decision is made by a panel of independent judges. BB has never had any communication with this Panel, save for the supply to the Awards organisers of the DVD of scenes nominated for the various categories. There is no Rules requirement that nominated materials have to be available on general DVD release. (For the AVN's there is such a requirement which is why no BB titles were up for awards this year). So that is how Titles which 'nobody has seen' can win awards. Because the independent Panel of judges has seen them and judged them to be worthy of an award. Now, the Contributors to this lie have a clear choice when faced with the truth: (1) Apologise to BB and the winners and the judges and Awards organisers; (2) Try to keep a straight face whilst struggling to retain any credibility in this Forum community by extending their conspiracy theory to the judges, the stars, the organisers and to AVN America.
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by mark »

Jeez, what a load of bollocks.

If you're doing as well as you say you are then why are you wasting your time posting huge messages here?

If you don't want people to coment on your business methods then don't post about them here. It's pretty simple.
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Lizard »

I was going to join, but not one picture of Donald Campbell anywhere......

Get on with it Hi-Watt, your clearly making money, so crack on.....prove the doubters wrong

[_]> No Liberals were harmed during the making of this post.
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by colonel »

Lizard wrote:

> I was going to join, but not one picture of Donald Campbell
> anywhere......

I'm still waiting for their chocolate and toffee selections to appear. !wink!
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Re: Bluebird Invitation

Post by Marino »


I am not a Bluebird hater, I think it is great someone with money is propping up many producers that can no longer shoot without backing.
Plus there has always been big money companies in the industry and it never effects us small guys.
However I would like to pick you up on one point. That over ten years ago, Ben and I where on the red carpet Limo supplied to be filmed for the AVN. I believe at the time courtesy of Ben Dover's agent in the states. Please remember that some of us were breaking records before Bluebird, now we are ageing and moving to different pastures hopefully Bluebird can now fly the flag for the U.K industry.
Rather than in fighting with the members of the BGAFD. why not befriend these guys n girls to hopefully unite the U.K.
Maybe a Bluebird open day and invite the fans to a Bluebird party would be a great bit of p.r instead of getting the square ring up and slogging it out, life's too short.
For me the fans of the BGAFD have been more than helpful and kind to us struggling producers and a wealth of information.
My advice not that you need it, would be try to be a bit thicker skinned we all go through a bit of negative feed back from time to time, put up a smile and fight on.
Apart from that keep up the good work and carry on. But get your facts right first. It helps.

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