Scotti Andrews

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Scotti Andrews

Post by Pasta »

While browsing RAME,I checked out Rog's review of the Anabolic series Bring 'Um Young which apparently features a girl he thinks is Scottish or Irish called Scotti Andrews (take a hint Rog) the subject for the post is: Rog Reviews 1051- BRING 'UM YOUNG #3 in rec.arts.mocies.erotica if you want to check it.

Anyway, I looked at Anabolic's site to check out the box cover and saw that she was a very buxom brunette who I am positive appeared in some British mags last year. Most likely in Readers Wives section eg Escort or Club. It's very annoying because I can think of seeing her pics recently but now I can't find the buggers. AAAAAAH! Anyway, see if you recognise her (only wee pics) at

Sarcasm aside, I am sure that the blurb by her pics said she was Scottish.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Post by Pasta »

Oh shit, what happened to the rest of that message.

I was meaning to say...
rec.movies.arts.erotica, as you probably know.

And that URL is Anabolic at


Any way that's another potential entrant for the BGAFD, if you guys want to consider her. I for one would like to know more about her, basically because I am Scottish, and would be interested to know it there were any other Scots in porn too.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Post by alec »

Sarah McLean, Chloe Anderson, Claire Kieman, Shona McFarlane as performers - oops nearly forgot Mandy. And more I expect. Not to mention P McC.

I got the picture and tried to enalarge it without success as far as recognition goes. will look out for the video, probably the only way to find out for certain. I wouldn't trust an American to recognise the accent. Plus I think it was Roger T. Pipe who got Vida Garman mixed up with Lorraine Ansell in his review of Lonond Derrieres.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Post by Pasta »

alec wrote:
[snipped here]
> I got the picture and tried to enalarge it without success as
> far as recognition goes. will look out for the video,
> probably the only way to find out for certain. I wouldn't
> trust an American to recognise the accent. Plus I think it
> was Roger T. Pipe who got Vida Garman mixed up with Lorraine
> Ansell in his review of Lonond Derrieres.

I suspect he missed a heavy hint in her name...Scotti? Maybe not.
But I am fairly sure I've seen this girl in UK mags. More if I can find it.
You are right though, if he can't tell the difference between Scottish and Irish then I am not sure he has much idea about accents.
A lot of the comments in RAME are like this, they treat Europe almost as another planet, never mind another continent.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Post by joey »

Alec wrote:
> Sarah McLean, Chloe Anderson, Claire Kieman, Shona McFarlane
> as performers - oops nearly forgot Mandy. And more
> I expect.

Claudia on this site is another Scot.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Post by Pasta »

Thanks for the names guys.
Just wish Kirsten Imrie would do some full-on porn!

Re: Scotti Andrews - aka Claire Kiernan

Post by Pasta »

Right, I think that this girl is the elusive Scotti.

She fits the physical description, she is Scottish and the girl in the copy of Escort that I was recalling (even though it's a duff Reader's Wives pic) is called...Claire. So I think that Scotti is quite possibly Claire.
What do you think?

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Post by alec »

Claire Kieman is a possibility I suppose, but I couldn't really tell from the picture. Apologies to Londoners for mangling the name of their city.

Re: Scotti Andrews - aka Claire Kiernan

Post by alec »

Still need a better picture, but see my other post in this thread made before I read this one.

Re: Scotti Andrews - aka Claire Kiernan

Post by Pasta »

Hi Alec
I was looking at the link to the page at:

I have posted a message to RAME to see if anyone can look at this and confirm or deny.
Don't hold your breath, though...