1. Anyone know of a UK based place that sells Adult VCD's?
2. Anyone know is your scene has a new web site now?
3. Anyone know what the best encoder card is to get your Video tapes onto VCD at best quality without massive cost? Matrox Marvel? Studio MP10? ATI?
Thanks for the assistance. I know some are not directly relating to british girls but most peeps on this site will know the answers to these questions.
I sell video CD's that play in computers I use Mpeg 4 various settings but mainly software Adobie premier 5.1 maybe you can get a hacked vertion to save money then use any capture card you can afford I think even a miro or a hauppage will do have fun, If you still struggle I will get my tech guy to mail you,
Thanks for everyone's comments most appreciated. Phil Mc do you sell via the web??? I know your always on and ive been to your site but never noticed a shop section? Where do you do your selling????
Oh BTW ive been digging some more and with that info i reckon ill get a matrix marvel card and encode to AVI the convert to mpeg1 and burn to CD. Seemingly this approach (altho painfully lengthy) will give me the best results without forking out for a ?1000 plus real time encoder or VCD's. So hope this helps anyone thinking along the same lines!
The only French I got at School was behind the bike shed, and I spent a bit of time their that's probably why I can't spell, for a complete system about 1k.
Ours cost-a-fortune at about 13k but it all sings n dances you don't need that. O' we can do DVD strait to DLT ready for mastering.
Look at my commercial site (no tits) www.devlinmediagroup.com