UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by mrA »

I realise that the UK free to air live shows are probably at the worst that they have ever been at this current time. I.e. double Panties, Pixels when the girls are not even without Panties, and so on, and so on.

"Fuck" Off COM are the most ridiculous organisation to exist in this country since the Monster Raving Loony Party decided form in the late Seventies. Double standards and pointless restrictions created under stupid rules that really have no need to actually be applied. For fuck sake showing a bit of Pussy after twelve o'clock at night is not going to turn the people of this country into a bunch of sinister sexual predators who lurk the streets looking for girls to attack.

I've also heard points about the material not being fit for children, what the fuck are children watching these shows for anyway, Sky has parental control, and anyway a child could easily turn on MTV at any time from eleven o'clock on any given night and see a programme like Dirty Sanchez that has persistent male genitalia flopping around, people drinking each others sick and sticking pipes up there asses and proceeding to squirt pints of beer out of them and once again over each other. Surely that is cruder than some hot girl pulling down her knickers and giving us a nice flash of her pussy. I don't expect them to allow the girls to lay over the floor sticking dildos up them but what Babestar got fined for was hardly explicit.

I know it has to do with telephone numbers being on the screens and therefore these shows are classed as "Interactive Dating Shows". Then remove the fucking numbers and put them in the information (I) accessed by your remote. The companies don't want to do this because they want the numbers flashing at the bottom of the screen because they think it will make them more money (which it probably does), but the shows should be about entertaining us. Were not retards if we want to ring in we can easily press the button on the remote and find the number.

Another example is Sportxxx, it used to be a great show, what harm did it really do, was there a rise in sexual crimes due to being broadcast in the time it was on, I wouldn't think so. It's just bullshit. Look I have a PC and can access Hardcore Porn at anytime just like most of the population but sometimes it's nice to turn on the TV and put on one of these Live shows and see a bit of mellow(ish) teasy Pussy action.

When is Britain going to get over it's hang-up on genitalia. It's just a fucking pussy for fuck sake, every woman has one, how much harm can it really fucking do?
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by hammer4life »

very good post

annoys the hell out of me that you can watch 2 people acting out a violent rape scene, blokes vomiting and pouring excrement over eachother yet the double standards of people like ofcom still prevent fully grown adults from being able to see genitalia on tv??

Its just pandering to the pc socialites of this country that like to tell everyone what they should and shouldnt be watching. The very reason that makes paris hilton, jordan and jodie marsh A star celebs for doing vrtually nothing while genuinely talented women like anjali kara, anaya leon and victoria brown are still shunned upon.

Until a government is actually brave enough to stand up for our rights and tell these prats that they will no longer be pandered too and that there are perfect protection placements (ie:parental control etc) available to allow scenes of a sexual nature on british tv the same way acts of violence are accepted this problem will just carry on.

Sadly though that still seems a long way off,even though the large majority of this country are porn enthusiasts its still something that society likes to look down upon and make you feel seedy for doing so, backyard wrestling is a plenty tell someone you like to see a man being piledrived head first onto a car and you`ll have no probs. Tell them you like to watch 2 consenting adults having sex and you`ll be made to feel like a pervert!!
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by wannabe »

If it was 2 homosexuals having sex the BBC or Channel4 would have it on the tv no problem.
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by TheGazz »

Do you really think that or are you just saying to illicit a response?

Regardless of the sexuality of the people involved, terrestrial TV isn't gonna show jack shit.

I've noticed recently that Television X and the like have gotten bolder in what they will show. In the past year Cum Shots have become much more common place and on some shows an hard on is clearly visible.

I think the rules state that you can show a pussy and a hard cock if you want, but nothing can be touching them.

Once there's contact of any kind it's deemed obscene, which is fucking ridiculous.

Language Vampire
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by blackjaques »

...and this is where Ofcon's double standards come in to play. According to their "Broadcasting Code" the only reason R18 is prohibited is on the grounds of child-protection. We all know, of course, that this is bullshit. Can anyone tell me that the current output on Sky is child friendly ? ( Put aside your personal views as an adult of the content shown). Is what is broadcast now suitable for kids to watch ?
Ofcon, The Establishment and assorted religious nutters want to prohibit R18 for one reason and one reason alone; namely that they would enjoy it if it was on T.V. They are frightened of the reaction it would illicit in themselves so they forbid it to everyone else.
It looks like TVX have abandoned their short experiment with full-on adult entertainment too. 5 weeks of decent stuff and that's it. Was it a case of Ofcon wading in with the big stick and TVX waiving the white flag?
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by TheGazz »


I didn't notice much of a change in the TVX schedule during that experimental time though.

Ofcom shows up, swings its dick and everyone has to bow down or get shut down.

Language Vampire
Snow Patrol
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by Snow Patrol »

I spent a long time, (The past 5 years) in the USA.
As much as you can dislike the Yanks on many different levels, I think that the way they have the TV set up, is first class...

Here's how it works.
You have approx 100 or so channels, which are your 'basic' package...
These channels run 24 hours a day, and are pretty much available to all (For a minimum fee)-(Less than the BBC licence fee)
You'll get them on cable or on Satellite.. The choice is yours

On these channels you will find ZERO nudity, and ZERO swearing...
Even all of the movies, inc the ones that are 18 rated (horror + action etc) are cut down to a 14 rating...

With a basic setup / package you could pretty much let a child of any age watch whatever channel they wanted,
at any time of the day or night, and know that they will not see horror, nudity, or hear swearing...

Then, if you want to add premium channels etc, for a fee, you can. And you can also pass protect / block these channels very easily...

So if you want Adult, you have a choice of about 20+ XXX full on hardcore channels that show all the full strength movies uncut 24hours a day...

You see full penetration, anal, cum shots... The whole lot...

So in all, every ones happy...You have the children being 'protected' and the adults can enjoy uncensored adult entertainment in their own homes, as and when they wish...

Its that simple, and works EXTREEMLY well...

Shame its not as simple in the UK...

After all... If we as adults, could just pay for, and receive genuine adult programming, then all the problems of this nature would be resolved... Who would care what the girl on babecasts doing or not doing, when you could just pay your monthly fee and watch the same girl getting a good hard fucking, on the other channel?

Of course, its way to simple, and will never happen... But it should!!!

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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by blackjaques »

We have a similar system with the Sky channels. You can block them all with the Parental Control function, even the Free to Air shows like Babestation. It is, however, still not good enough for Ofcon. UK parents cannot be trusted, so they imply.
Whatever excuse they peddle, it's nothing to do with protecting kids. The censorship is there for the Daily Mail brigade without whose votes, any government can't get elected. The Labour party is unelectable without the votes of middle england so they will not upset them.
I hope that Phil MC's IPTV will solve the problem and we can all bypass Ofcon and the Sky adult channels.
Snow Patrol
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by Snow Patrol »

Yeah but the big difference is that normal TV is MUCH more sanatized. No swearing, no nudity, no nothing...
Then porn is actually porn...

UK TV seems to mess about in the middle ground so much its just stupid...
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Re: UK Free To Air Liveshows (W.T.F)

Post by bigpaw »

I agree with most of what has been said before, especially the "Daily Mail / Middle England" reference.

Like America the "bible brigade" control who gets into power in this country.

Tie this in with the increasing influence of political correctness , and the son of a minister in charge of the country and chances of a change in the law anytime soon are extremely slim.

Oh and what is - Phil MC's IPTV by the way ?

Anyway I'm going back to watching Karina Currie on Sex Station.

"Enoch was right"
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