Pregnant porn

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one eyed jack
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Re: At the risk of offending people....

Post by one eyed jack »

Tequila;while I commend you for your opinions (as vociferous as it may seem) does it not bother you that you may still be in the same boat anyway. ie. your child grows up to see you having sex with other men but not with daddy. I think this is what Merryman was aiming at. Not necessarily about what levels you actually work to.

After all it comes down to the same thing.

Sure many years down the line the porn of today would be in the bargain bin or even deleted by then. In other words if you thought of the future would you have still done it in the first place?

I'm not trying to rile you up but these questions sprung up in response to your post.

I mean, like it or not for anyone that has been in the industry it does sound like 'people in glass houses' to those who are just spectating here.
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Re: At the risk of offending people....

Post by bigAl »

Strong words indeed from Tequila, and very eloquently put.

What's done is done, but we can't predict the future. Maybe though childbirth should be taken as a cue to draw a line in the sand, and retire from performing (at least to certain levels).
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Re: At the risk of offending people....

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I see what you're saying OEJ and i agree, in hindsight i wouldnt ever of got into porn if i had my time again.

I also agree with what you are saying about my son seeing any content in the future, however i think there is a huge difference between seeing your Mum in porn and seeing your Mum in porn whilst pregnant with you.

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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I understand why Terry is thinking its a personal attack on him bearing in mind his girlfriend has had pictures posted of her whilst pregnant on here a fair amount in the last few months.

I also see his point, to a certain extent about the whole people in glass houses. Yes, iv done porn in the past however, i knew where to draw the line FOR ME.

However, my comments are not directed personally at him and Faye but more my opinion on a topic that was posted by someone else and that we all seem to feel very strongly about.

one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

Again Spanks I disagree. A mother might be making a mistake is subjective. How she is as a mother is a different matter entirely.
one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

My apologies if I seem like I am laying into Tequila here but its not for reasons of malice. Simply because we are both (or were in Tequilas case) in the adult industry.

I do take this topic personal because I have filmed couples and girls who were pregnant in the past and feel I am answerable to certain topics that come up.

Even though some subjects raised do not mention me by name sometimes I do wonder if they are referring to me.

Faye has not done any b/g pregnant and she also stopped drinking and smoking the moment she found out she was. No mean feat which I can totally respect.

Even though Tequila and I are on the opposite sides of this subject. I do respect her opinion as a mother but feel I have to defend the choices of those silent mothers I have worked with over the years.

I shot a scene for Real Couples soon to come up but did not feel anything prurient or disrespectful about it. Mind you the woman was not obviously showing and nor do i think for a moment that the couple were doing it with the notion of the end user having a wank over it. Some people dont think that far ahead.

I honestly believe and feel they were doing it because they wanted to, for the same sense of mishief and spontaneity that some couples do videos. They certainly didnt need the money as the man in question was kind enough to grant me access to property of his abroad...and nor does he do porn outside of his partner either. In fact she only did porn in the first place because she was bored and being from a swinger background, porn was the next eventual step.

All I'm saying is things are not necessarily black and white. Most times they are a big murky blur of grey.

Having said that, I do respect your opinions here but while you stand your ground, I will stand mine. To join in and agree would be to undermine my own integrity but then I would defend everything and everyone who has ever worked for me because I'm just that kind of guy.
one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

LOL Who made me spokesman for the industry right?
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by Tequila_Woods »

Quoted from OEJ

I honestly believe and feel they were doing it because they wanted to, for the same sense of mishief and spontaneity that some couples do videos. They certainly didnt need the money as the man in question was kind enough to grant me access to property of his abroad...and nor does he do porn outside of his partner either. In fact she only did porn in the first place because she was bored and being from a swinger background, porn was the next eventual step.

To be honest i think this is even worse. Extremely selfish and only thinking of themselves and their own personal sexual kicks.
At least if the mother is doing porn because she is desperate for money for the baby then you can kind of justify it to a certain extent.
I suppose the one upside to real couples is that they are doing it with their own partners rather than anyone else.

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