Pregnant porn

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one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

To add quoting Merryman:

..."how do you think girls get pregnant? Surely its the most obvious expression of sex there is?"

Therein lies the appeal to those who like it.
one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

Big Al wrote:

Pregnancy can be artistic, but it shouldn't be used for exploitational purposes.

But arent you exploiting the fact she is pregnant to make art? Maybe I dont know the meaning of 'exploitation' but I see it as using something to your advantage. Is that not what you did?

If I'm not mistaken, do the models pay you to paint them? or do you pay them? or both? Thats still not much different than say someone like me paying to shoot a video.
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by Tequila_Woods »

My thoughts exactly SpankyMonkey.

It wasnt a personal attack OEJ and Faye, just my opinion.

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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by bigAl »

The photo I worked with comes from an artistic set, produced at the model's request, to capture a certain phase in her life. I still have the painting and have made no effort to sell it, so I fail to see how I have exploited anyone. But if I have then I apologise.

If a model wants to pay me for a painting, and is happy with the price I quote, then I'll paint her. It simply doesn't work the other way round.

Prices I charge cover little more than the cost of materials, and anything on top of that in terms of time expended equates to 'slave labour'. But I don't have a particular problem with that because it's an enjoyable way to spend time. Some might even deem it to be creative, and a little bit of appreciation works wonders.

But if any model I've painted reading this feels they've been "exploited", then please email me directly with your concerns.

Tequila speaks from experience, and I'm struggling to see how those of us who haven't been through childbirth can identify with those feelings.
one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

Hey Al I'm not saying your bad guy for it but I do take umbrage to the over use of the word exploit in connection to various aspects of porn.

The other meaning of exploit is to make good use of a resource, so by and large, even if you did this at a models request, you still exploited the situation. Thats the point I was trying to make.

There is a lot of exploitation going on every day in the world. Just not all of it bad.

Besides even if you painted from an image doesnt make your stand any better with regards to this subject. You still painted a pregnant woman no matter which you dress it up.

If a bloke wants to he can find anything sexual enough to wank over.

Lets not gloss bullshit in favour of art.
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by BGAFD Admin »

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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by bigAl »

Good point. That painting was indeed a celebration of pregnancy. But I'm not going to get offended if someone wants to label it as porn rather than art, but it's certainly not exploiting anyone.

SpankyMonkey's concern, quite rightly, is for the future well-being of the unborn child.
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by bigAl »

In fact, if anyone reading this thread really wants to be "exploited", then please click here and get out your credit card for the benefit of The Stroke Association.

A stroke can affect people of all ages, including babies.
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