Pregnant porn

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by bigAl »

I'm with spankymonkey on this one.

Pregnancy can be artistic, but it shouldn't be used for exploitational purposes.


Here's a sexy pose from Rachel Travers, as photographed by myson in MAY 2006, and painted very shortly thereafter, i.e. BEFORE the birth!
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by fayerampton »

thanks blueraa
yes terry agrees with you, feels too weird having sex ! too worried about hurting baby ! but midwife insists that its ok and a great way to help start labor if baby running late like mine is ! guess we will have to give it a little try ! not sure if its physically possible though ! lol !
worried baby will know whats going on ! lol !
i enjoyed doing the pregnant pics and felt sexier than i thought i would feel doing them !
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by BGAFD Admin »

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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by porn_user »

What if you were the kunborn id who stumbled across the video in later life? There would definitely be serious issues there.
one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

If your face isnt seen whats the problem? Unless th eparent told the child specifically and that child was an only child then yes...maybe
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by porn_user »

It would just be very very weird to have to deal with that. Sigmund would have had a field day.
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by A-C »

By coincidence, there's a new British solo girl pregnant site from the Faithexposed site stable ... can't say I remember another British one. All pretty tastefully done stuff a la Faye style. Long-term updates must get to be a bit of a prob, I guess!

For those who haven't seen it yet: Heidi's Expecting

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At the risk of offending people....

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I think any kind of adult material with pregnant women in is dispicable.

When you are pregnant your body should be your temple and not paraded around for men to wank over.

Just my opinion.

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Re: At the risk of offending people....

Post by MerryMan »

Tequila_Woods wrote:

> I think any kind of adult material with pregnant women in is
> dispicable.
> When you are pregnant your body should be your temple and not
> paraded around for men to wank over.
> Just my opinion.

But otherwise parading yourself around for men to wank over being DP'd peed on etc is fine? I think there should be some integrity, if you are doing porn and you don't expect to be criticised for it I don't see why you should criticise those who do it while pregnant - there is no chance of the baby being hurt from the sex itself (excluding stds, which you might catch at anytime) and erm how do you think girls get pregnant? Surely its the most obvious expression of sex there is?
one eyed jack
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Re: Pregnant porn

Post by one eyed jack »

Well said Merryman. People in glass houses and all that. Not that I dont understand Tequila since she is now a mother herself but the use of the word despicable is a bit rich. I would even think that was a bit of an attack even.

Like everything its supply and demand. I dont agree with japanese girls shoving eels in their arses but they do it anyway.

The most important thing to remember here is that not all porn is designed to be wanked over. There are so many different styles of porn at the moment that some might be considered erotic and sensuous (probably the hardest to convey well) to the uber extreme designed to make you wank like a frenzied, bug eyed mad man possessed.

I equate pregnant porn to being somewhere in the middle of that. You can also see it as educational for couples who worry about sex during pregnancy. So it cant be all that bad.
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