Re: Nathalie in BGAFD

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Nathalie in BGAFD

Post by Pasta »

I believe this girl is in the Maximum Perversum movie Cum Over Nuns, as Nathalie Suc.
(I also have High School with her, but you've got that)
The movie is set in the First World War with soldiers Yves Baillat and Jean Pierre Armand taking sanctuary in a nunnery, where they get into filthy escapades.
Nathalie does a scene where she and Yves spy on two nuns fisting, then Yves pees while she holds his knob, then they have sex including anal while she is still dressed in nun's habit etc.
She also does a scene with Valentino and Alain Poudensan and another girl, inc. anal, I think, and then they do a scene with Roberto Malone, the abbot!
Hope this info is useful, even if she is only an honorary Brit!

Re: Nathalie in BGAFD

Post by alec »

Very useful thanks. Since she was with Kool Klass she is definitely an honorary Brit.

If you have High School, what is your opinion of the identity of the fourth girl? Her face looks very like that of Vanessa Brannan and I was coming round to the opinion that it was definitely her, but today I got a copy of Stramme Lust where the same girl appears without a beret and now I think that it is not Vanessa in High School.

Re: Nathalie in BGAFD

Post by Pasta »

Hi Alec,
sorry, I was wondering that myself. She looks "continental", if that's possible. I have only seen a few pics of Vanessa and I am not sure if that is her or not. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
A very good video though, I think you will agree!

Re: Nathalie in BGAFD

Post by alec »

I have some caps which eventually I will post to, but eye problems are delaying things at the moment. I've capped the Rachael scene which was intercut with the other three girls's scenes at the end.

As I say, having seen the girl in Stramme Lust with identical tanlines (2 sets) on her behind and the same face, but looking very different without the beret, I no longer think Vanessa B is in High School. She has never been known to do anal anyway.

Re: Nathalie in BGAFD

Post by Squilari »

Someone know where can I buy "High School" in the net???
Please answer to me.
Is not in and
Reply me!!!