Fiona Cooper catalogues wanted

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Fiona Cooper catalogues wanted

Post by Anthony »


I am looking for a couple of the most recent Fiona Cooper catalogues. I especially need a recent catalogue that contains the "X" series of tapes.

Please dont redirect me to "Fiona Cooper", however I am prepared to send a three hour tape of your choice from my list in return for the catalogues.



Re: Fiona Cooper catalogues wanted

Post by PaulE »

Hi Anthony

I've got the Christmas/December 2000 issue, but that has the 'regular' 'A' girls. I did have the Jan 2001, which had some 'X' girls but, as luck would have it, I binned it last week. If only I'd seen your post sooner.

However, there should be another FC catalogue out shortly.

I've not bought anything for ages - lost my job last summer (but working again now) so couldn't really afford them, plus there haven't been that many recently I'd be willing to shell out for anyway. Thought several of the last batch of 'X' girls looked real dogs - which is why I binned the catalogue!!

If you want the one I've got, let me know. I'll also try to keep an eye open for an 'X' catalogue.



Re: Fiona Cooper catalogues wanted

Post by PaulE »

Hi Anthony

I've got the Christmas/December 2000 issue, but that has the 'regular' 'A' girls. I did have the Jan 2001, which had some 'X' girls but, as luck would have it, I binned it last week. If only I'd seen your post sooner.

However, there should be another FC catalogue out shortly.

I've not bought anything for ages - lost my job last summer (but working again now) so couldn't really afford them, plus there haven't been that many recently I'd be willing to shell out for anyway. Thought several of the last batch of 'X' girls looked real dogs - which is why I binned the catalogue!!

If you want the one I've got, let me know. I'll also try to keep an eye open for an 'X' catalogue.

