Can High Definition DVD save porn?

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Anjali Kara
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Re: Can High Definition DVD save porn?

Post by Anjali Kara »

Hi Babe
Thanks for the tip..
This is the third time that we have had problems of this nature at QXL..
We will be dealing with this issue yet again and I really appreciate the information..

Anjali Kara
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Re: Can High Definition DVD save porn?

Post by Anjali Kara »

It's best to reach me at
I will change the email on my profile as well.

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Re: Can High Definition DVD save porn?

Post by Peter »

I think this would possibly be covered by something like "within the boundries any other law creates". EG medicines only allowed to be sold in a pharmacy would be subject to cartel laws within the pharmacy community, but supermarkets would prevented from trading in those medicines, even though doing so would lower the price. My guess anyway.
We have need of you again, great king.
Mrs McCavity
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Re: Can High Definition DVD save porn?

Post by Mrs McCavity »

We at GDBtv are Hi-def ready the new set-top box plays bothe 720 and 1080 but to be fair you would need about 12 meg line to play the bigger file live. Box has DVi on it so will go to TV.

Phil McC on Bev's
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Re: Can High Definition DVD save porn?

Post by Jock »

Not sure about Hi-Def, porn in the UK requires to be completely overhauled, IMO:-

1. An end to (still considerable) R18 censorship, so that ALL consensual adult material is allowed. It is particularly annoying paying rip-off UK prices for potentially sub-standard product,
(which is why I don’t buy R18).

2. An end to the prohibition on mail order R18 – even if I wanted to buy R18, I do not live anywhere near a licensed sex shop, so what option would I have?

3. An end to broadcast R18 censorship.

None of the above seems likely to happen in the near future (ever?) – in fact, things only seem to be getting worse, with the ‘moral minority’ becoming increasingly vocal about their demands for censorship of this, and bans of that… Something that the increasingly oppressive & illiberal Blair seems happen to comply with :-(
Mrs McCavity
Posts: 74
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Can High Definition DVD or IPTV save porn?

Post by Mrs McCavity »

Jock the Uk producers constantly complain they can't get to the punters TV's with porn (R18 or otherwise). Its either BBFC restrictions or OFCOM restrictions or distribution of DVD's being controled along with the price by some of the bigger guys. Well thats why I put serious money into my delivery method. If you have or can get broadband you will get unlicensed porn on your TV set. Its that simple all the producers need to do is let the public decide. It is Hi-def ready which means Rem will get a platform for his new stuff. It can go live from a set "Imagine watchin Ben shoot live" most important is this is inside every producers budget if they wake up, if they don't the small market they have will be swept away by the big guys leaving them to complain about missing the boat again.
I fly to Dallas Wed then onto LA where I have 3 days of 5 demo's a day thats how much interest their is in IPTV. Some facts to consider America has less that 20% broadband coverage, UK has 75%. Broadband is in more homes than SKY or cable. Warner who own AOL have gave them 120million to invest in a delivery platform in UK. The UK has the best Broadband set up in world (next to Japan). Every American movie company will target the UK within 6 months and some have started. The Porn guys will be exactly the same. You will get a free Set-top box from a provider same as cable/Sky and this will give you unrestricted access to the world of Movies, Sport foriegn programing and as you requested Porn. I would be happy to explain to anyone how this works producers or punters,

Phil McC on Bev's PC
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