Does porn make people better lovers ??

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Ali G
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Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Ali G »

Being over 50 myself, I spend a lot of time talking to my 20 year old son to rekindle my own wasted youth !cool! Naturally, the topic of sex crops up very often !!

My son is in University and being a good looking boy (like his dad !happy!) is quite the ladies man (like his dad !wink!) .....

It seems to me that women these days are far more sexually open (from my day) and at ease with their feminine side ..... my opinion was this is due to the march of femenism over the years with increasing equality between the sexes and the greater financial independence women now enjoy ..... but my son concludes these are minor things, the major influence being ..... Porn !!

Not just the fact that it exists (Porn has always been around in one form or another!) but that it is so freely available and accesible (even acceptable!)and has to a high degree made the more "extreme" sexual acts become taboo-free and almost mainstream .....

He talks as if blowjobs are par for the course now, where as in my day that involved weeks of begging !!

Anal sex is very popular, him and his mates are always talking about "scoring a hat-trick" ie, mouth pussy & arse !! In fact anal sex with the girl is the "ultimate" goal that they aim for with pussy fucking being derided as for kids and as basic as a peck on the cheek !! Anal in my day barely crossed my mind, and that was only when it was shown (rarely) in blue movies !!

Threesomes appear to be quite common and it seems "most" girls these days are happy to kiss other girls at the drop of a hat !! This in particular sparks my interest as it was many a schoolboys fantasy to watch a pair of beautiful lesbians in action ..... something that was almost impossible then ..... but now, according to my son is easily available after buying a couple of girls a few drinks in any bar/club in the country !!

Is Porn now making men expect more from women sexually ...... or is Porn waking women up to the sexual animals that they are ??

As a historian, I can tell you back in ancient times, women in general were far more like the pornstar's of today !!

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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Jonone »

There's a possibility that your son, being aware of your vicarious interest in his sex life and that of his friends, embellishes it to make it seem more 'outrageous' and interesting than it really is.

Maybe there has been a change, but maybe it's more to do with the advent of 'girl power' than with porn per se. A greater degree of assertiveness and confidence in women and their disinterest in political discourses around porn would result in more liberal and permissive attitudes towards it (and of course porn is much more visible) but I don't see porn itself as a catalyst or 'driver'.

Nor do I see young women queueing up to be spit roasted or giving out blow jobs willy-nilly. Either that is dramatic licence on your son's part, or i'm keeping the wrong company.
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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Mysteryman »

....and they say we grew up in the Swinging, Permissive, Sixties!!!

Perhaps if you were on the rock circuit or an actor....

For the rest of us it was trial by persuasion and a great deal of pleading and subterfuge. I don't think the girls were any less willing but, with the pill in its early days and many doctors unwilling to prescribe it for the unmarried woman, with most lads not wanting to use a rubber (or too shy to ask for them at Boots or Timothy Whites, let alone a local chemists), girls were very wary because falling pregnant was not only a life changer but also could see the girl lose home, family, job and any respect.

There's so much different today and while the freedom of access to porn may make things easier for people but it's a small part of the mix.
Mike Hunter
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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Mike Hunter »

Personally, I see it as just another manifestation of the lack of fiscal responsibility that is permeating the western world. For eons, women have known that their sexuality was their ultimate "product". The demand has always run at peak and their ability to control supply, well you know the rest of that.

Today, the supply has been turned on in an unprecedented rate. Think of it like an airline fare war. Women have been forced to increase the supply AND drop the price. This occurs periodically, and men are in pig heaven. So, we should take advantage of this window of opportunity and be thankful.

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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Jonone »

I'm not sure I agree Mike. I see more guys being mercilessly pussy whipped than I do wallowing in 'pig heaven'. The increased supply at low low prices is, in my opinion, something of an illusion. If you think you're getting it cheap i'd remind you to read the smallprint lol
Mike Hunter
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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Mike Hunter »

Jonone, remember that the starter post to this thread focused on the University age son of the poster. My response was based on today's young women. They are the ones who are increasing the supply and dropping the price.

The same can not be said in my middle-age house. The supply is at an all time low and the price is at an all time high! lol
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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by eroticartist »

Hi Ali

Pornography made the mainsteam change in sexual morality and creates a pornutopia where pleasure and the quality of life is paramount. Sex is celebrated without guilt or shame in a polymorpously sexual society. The sex hostile religions are losing their patriarchal power over most young people.
In the 21st Century we are returning to the worship of Nature and the rejection of materialism and "business as usual" .
Mike Freeman.
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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Alex »

I think I agree jonone. Student life tends to be fairly uptight girls (all the sexy ones were pregnant at 17 and never got to Uni remember) surrounded by spotty, immature boys.

I think there's an awful lot of talk and precious little action.
Nurse Nicky
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Re: Does porn make people better lovers ??

Post by Nurse Nicky »

"Does porn make people better lovers ??"


Rebecca aka Nurse Nicky
A middle aged woman, who should know better
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