Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Still at least she'll be able to afford to buy herself a dress with the pay out."

Well, that might go a little way towards redeeming herself - but I fear she will just buy a pair of chavy jeans instead.

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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by DickAround »

Well, I sleep with someone famous, but would never reveal who it is! I am very lucky to be having such pleasure!
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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by eduardo »

Sol Campbell????????????????????

Only joking mate and sorry but I couldn't resist that one.
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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by fevrd »

Obviously I am the only person who thinks Lee Otway might be in on the deal. At least putting her up to it in return for a good writeup.

It all strikes me as quite harmless fun from which both of them benefit. Don't you realise that the story itself is not news? It is entertainment.
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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by Tiffany »


Thought I'd post a message in response to various peoples comments in relation to my Kiss and Tell story with Lee Otway.

Can I start by saying how shocked I was to hear these views as the last place I expected to be judged was on this forum.

But as an adult actress I am used to narrow minded judgements. What I can't understand is how someone can be condemed for having sex and earning money via people reading about what happened, but its OK to have sex and earn money from people watching it?

Also , my view has always been, if you don;t like something on the TV, or in the paper, turn the channel or the page, why read or watch something that will offend you? maybe a lack of mental stimulation in ones own life?? who knows??

The only person who in my opinion has added a worthwhile accurate comment is Fevrd. Its entertainment, a little bit of fun.. and as for the person who said my daughter must be very proud, firstly, maybe she would be if I had one! and secondly I'm sure that comment would have not just annoyed me but anyone who works in the adult industry and also has a family.

We can all judge and stereotype. It doesn't take a lot of intellect.

Anyway, I've said my piece, I'm not after peoples approval, If I gave a sh*t about other peoples views or perception of me I would never have started in the porn industry.

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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by brooks »

Tiffany wrote:

What I can't understand is how someone can be condemed for having sex and earning money via people reading about what happened, but its OK to have sex and earn money from people watching it?.

The difference between the two would be that when you pay money and purchase a porno film presumably the two people in the film have been paid and have consented to have the film distributeded.

I mentioned the daughter that you don't have because I stupidly believed what the link to the News of the World said about you being a mother of one.

My mistake. I should know better than to believe anything printed in that toilet roll.
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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by Pervert »

My apologies, Tiff, if my comments upset you. My problem with such stuff is the betrayal of trust involved. Of course, if the subject of the kiss and tell is agreeable to the situation then that's a different kettle of fish----taking the piss out of the public rather than the person you slept with.

Imagine, though, if someone was telling the world about private aspects of your life---how upset you would feel. You wouldn't trust that person again, nor would you expect anyone else to.

I didn't read the story, don't know the people involved, and care less. It's the whole sleazy (sorry, but I can think of no other word to use) business of getting involved with someone just so you can shout about it to the world that really annoys me. There are those who make a living out of it. If that's what they want to do, then fine. Just don't complain if people don't treat you with respect or trust you afterwards.

Oh, and in case anyone thinks this is aimed at just the ladies, it isn't. There are plenty of sleazebags whose social standing is the result of tabloids seeing them as "swordsmen" of the bedroom. Then there are those who sell stuff to the redtops in order to promote their films.
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Re: Another BGAFD Model Does a Kiss & Tell

Post by PKAY »

All part of the entertainment merry go round.

I am sure this story has done nobody any harm at all.

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