Sammi j in "Elite sex companions" on playboy tv

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Re: Sammi j in "Elite sex companions" on playboy t

Post by Heathray »

A shite, B tame as fuck, C as erotic as Eastenders. Pathetic, nice models, shame about the awful editing.
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Re: Sammi j in "Elite sex companions" on playboy tv

Post by Hitman »

Elite Sex Companions [2005] Playboy tv series - October-November

Episodes include the following names:-

Sammy-Jayne (aka Sammi J) Brit
Franki?? is that the same Frankie as Clare Olsen????
Julie Silver (European)
Claudia Rossi (European)
Candy (possibly European)??
Michelle ??
Vanessa ???

Lee Henshaw (male, Brit)
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Re: Sammi j in "Elite sex companions" on playboy tv

Post by MegaTon »

I think you'll find she's Hungarian!
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