New owners of r18dvd shop

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by eduardo »

For two reasons.

First to get some of the competition out of the way.

Secondly to get the database. I'd be prepared for a flood of brochures coming through the post from STB.
Alex L
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by Alex L »

Just to again clarify in case anyone has not followed eduardo's post or any of the other numerous posts which I have already made, It was not us who did the deed!


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Alex L
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by Alex L »

In fact we are now experiencing a bit of stirring, with our suppliers saying we are selling to cheap!


[url=]R18 Shop - Speedy Shipping - BGAFD readers 5 Star Rating[/url]
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by eduardo »

I would suspect that you don't need me to tell you to be careful yourself mate. Obviously yourself and Jay have upset the status quo.
Alex L
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by Alex L »

No, but thanks for the thought eduardo, it is a bit odd that since all that stuff we have not heard a peep out of Jay on here! I emailed him a couple of times regarding any issues he had with us, but never got a reply.


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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by »

Hello all,

Firstly I should introduce myself - I am the new owner of

I don't usually post in the forums, not because I don't find them interesting, but more that I am not sure that suppliers should be plugging their own business or products. Personally I'd rather our customers make their own judgment on our service independent of plugs from me!

However I have to comment on this thread because one of the posts basically accuses me of causing Jay's website problems.

The facts are these. Jay approached me a month ago (while his site was closed) asking if I was interested in buying his business. He apparently had come to the conclusion that it in the present climate it was getting virtually impossible for him to run from inside the UK as he had been doing.

I asked various questions as to why he was closed, business turnover etc, and made him an offer, which he accepted.

If I was the person who created problems for him in the first place and as it was unlikely the website would re-open (Jay told me he could not get suitable credit card facilities) - why would I then buy the business? I could have left Jay to struggle to re-open the website and therefore have achieved my supposed objective of removing a competitor by underhand means without paying Jay a penny!

However I felt the business had potential and had a very loyal band of customers, so decided it was a worthwhile investment and made an offer. will continue to sell dvds at ?15. We will in fact be expanding the selection in the next few months. Some British studios we cannot sell at ?15 however as the studios will not let us sell their product at such a low price. But we will continue with the ?15 concept.

The only thing that will change is the delivery period. As we are not based in the UK, we cannot deliver anywhere near as quick as Jay could. 5-9 days will be the norm for us. This is unfortunate, as I know the quick delivery was part of the attraction of Jay's service to many people.

However the days when guys like Jay can operate from within the UK are just about over. The recent court ruling ratifying that R18 cannot be sold by mail order has given local Trading Standards offices the last bit of ammo they needed to close down UK-based mail order retailers. Jay managed to dodge them for quite a while - but, just think about it, Trading Standards only have to go to one of Jay's wholesale suppliers and ask for the UK address Jay's stock was being shipped to. Its not rocket science - even for Trading Standards officers.

As we are based outside the UK, and all wholesale stock is shipped to our Spain address, we are not subject to the silly UK regulations. However the downside of this is that we cannot deliver as fast.

We are however 100% reliable. I have been in this business for years, and Simply The Best has been supplying dvds to UK customers for the past 4 years. We absolutely guarantee delivery - even if a dvd gets stolen in the postal system we re-ship at no extra charge to the customer.

I also spent months personally building - my site dedicated to British Girl dvds - purely because of the interest shown in this genre by BGAFD and its dedicated Forum members.

Anyway, enough of the self-publicity. Apologies for the length of this post, but I felt that anyone following this thread should have the true facts.

Finally I have NO connection with Alex's site!

With best wishes to all

Alex L
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by Alex L »

Well at least that explains why I didn't get a reply to my emails from Jay after I was accused of causing him the problems. Seems like a few people were accused, but the perps are still out there somewhere.


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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by spider »

Can Keith assure us that future users of R18DVD Shop are NOT going to be flooded with brochures coming through the post from STB ?
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by eduardo »

Okay I stand corrected.

I jumped to an assumption which was obviously wrong although without comment from any parties then I think it was a fairly obvious one to jump to.

I apologise for my mistake.
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Re: New owners of r18dvd shop

Post by »

To answer Spiders question I can only comment from the Simply The Best angle. I don't have anything to do with STB - I'm only Simply The Best (yes, they really are two separate companies).

STB is actually in process of closing down because the owners are retiring. Simply The Best will of course continue, and will be producing a revised monthly brochure with lots of offers in it not on the wesbites (two original Rude Britannia dvds with covers and cases for ?20, for an example).

Because of STB handing over to Simply The Best, the mailing list side is a bit confused at present - but if anybody receives an unwanted brochure from us all they have to do is email us and we immedaitely remove them from the mailing list.

In this internet age, it may be interesting to know that 70% of our sales still come from our printed brochure. There are a huge number of customers out there who do not use the internet, or do not trust ordering over the internet - plus a large number who prefer to pay by cheque or postal order to avoid "strange" names appearing on their card statement.

Anyway, to answer Spiders question (at last) - we have no plans to mail brochures to any of Jay's old customers. To be doubly sure though, if you order from any of my websites as a new customer and do not want to receive our printed brochure - just put a note to that effect in the Notes box on the order form.

Thanks also to Eduardo for the apology. No offense was taken - his posts are always very factual, accurate and reflect well on his past experiences working in this field - so I fully understand where he was coming from.

Sorry - I must have had waffles for breakfast!

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