Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by NeilUK »


The only pictures I have of Adele are copyright to other people aswell. Yahoo instantly close any groups that have photos that are unauthorised in them.
Alot of the photos I have of Adele came from, some of which I am allowed to put on my site I am not allowed to post them anywhere else.
If this is indeed a group endorsed by Adele you need to re-think the sending photo's strategy. It really is just asking Yahoo to close the group all it needs is one of the photographers or copyright owners to email yahoo.
Not being negative but I think you need to re-think that strategy

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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by Rikster »

Hi Guys

Thanks NeilUK - I appreciate your comments! Also P-NIX.

Megaton, who most of you will know well (as he has posted many links here over the last year or more!) knows me also. I don't bullshit and I also dont waste peoples time.

There will be active involement by both Karen Wood and Adele Stephens in their Yahoo Fanclubs as of July time. I will also be shooting with them both - content for their websites. They will also be g/g shoots with each of these models and Kyla Cole later this year, who is a personal friend of mine outside of the business. If you wanna check that out see the free news page of Kyla'swebsite where there are pics of us attending the Faitlhess gig at Alexandra Palace earlier this month (I am Rik by the way, but had to sing in as Rikster on this forum as the name Rik had already been taken!).

In the meantime I shall probably remove the need for submitting 5 pics to join Adele's site. However, I hope you all appreciate the fact that all the images up there are found in the public domain only. Also I hope you appreciate my comments about leechers.... There are many people who show goodwill by sharing on these groups but a far larger percentage who just feed off the others. That pisses me off!

The BGAFD forum tends to have the former type - those that actually contribute. That's why I advertised it here. We want the group to be a place where real interest is promoted and those who can be bothered to send a few images (and let's face it, they aint hard to find of Adele! eg.- are more likely to actually indulge in a little more conversation, posting and chat than those who bottom feed.

Anyhoo, feel free to join the group and be patient. It will be a real place to chat with Adele and both her and I hope you enjoy!

Further comments always welcome - just appreciate that there is goodwill intent at this end!


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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by NeilUK »

Hi Rikster

I also hope you appreciate that my comments were in the interests of Adele and no reflection on you. As a huge fan of hers I wanted to be sure her name wasn't being used incorrectly.

Would you mind emailing me ? My email address is in my profile.


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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by Rikster »

No problem bro... Comments taken as they were intended. I guess you can never be too sure.

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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by thecocker »

Hello Rikster,

I suppose we can post any 5 pictures we want can we or do they have to be from the same set?

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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by Rikster »

Well Guys - any five pictures really. The idea was that those that make a little effort deserve to get access! Doesn't matter if they are already posted there! I will be making acess available without posting pictures within the next week anyhow.


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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by mart »

NeilUK said " Yahoo instantly close any groups that have photos that are unauthorised in them."
Surely only if they are notified or do they have some way of knowing that photographs are unauthorised. I am being

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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by NeilUK »

Yeah Mart i know you are being sarcy. But yeah someone needs to notify them but do employ people to surf the groups and msn groups etc.
I am sure they aren't alone in doing that

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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by Ray »

I wonder why she haven't done a forum on her official site.. it's strange.. i always think the official adele's site really sucks.. why not to create a decent official site with decent videos, more sets, and a forum like the kila aria or sidney sites?
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Re: Adele Stephens Official Yahoo Fan Club

Post by thecocker »

I agree with Ray here. Most girls' sites have a forum and regular updates. Adele's has not been updated for nearly 6 weeks.
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