digital Satellite

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
joe king

digital Satellite

Post by joe king »

Seems like ultra blue has shown bendover hardcore videos and a live sex show from amsterdam.
I am thinking about getting the satisfaction club channel and ultra blue. Anyone seen the satisfaction channel?

Xnet-tv is a channel to avoid like the plague.

Re: digital Satellite

Post by Davideo »

I have access to SCT and the films (2 per day at present, repeated over 24 hours) range from poor amateur type material to the more 'harder' material (Fisting and WS). Thay have shown some of the 'Big Willy' films (Omar's Triumphs) with Brit girls.
The only problaem with Ultra Blue is the fact that it is untested (SCT has been around for years) and there have been some sorry tales about Porn channels in the recent past (RDV/Eurotica/Adult X and Channel Bizarre) leaving viewers with worthless cards and empty wallets.
I would wait a few months to see how things pan out, SCT is rumoured to be dropping it's price and showing 6 films a day and Live Sex shows too.