suggestion for the site?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Steve L

suggestion for the site?

Post by Steve L »

Hi alec,

Just a suggestion, but what do you think about having a 'new girls' section which lets us know when new girls appear? This would be useful for when new girls appear on the adult channel, etc.

Maybe just a name and programme/vid they recently appeared in.


Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by trigg »

sounds like unknowns to me

Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by alec »

Have you any idea how much time it takes just to do what we're doing? Anyway this is also about site design which is Phil's area of (considerable) expertise not mine.
Phil K

Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by Phil K »

Thanks for the comments, they're much appreciated.
Phil K

Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by Phil K »

Not really possible I'm afraid. There are about 800 girls on the site (I think it'll be closer to 900 after the next update) and all but about 50 have pictures of varying quality. To list all on one page with a photo for each would be a several megabyte download. You'd basically be waiting forever (and that's not even taking into account that the server we're hosted on will never be up for any fast response awards!).

I would consider putting thumbnails on each of the A-Z index pages. Even this would make a big impact on the time to completely display some of the bigger index pages such as S (e.g. see how long it takes to display all 20 thumbnails on a single page of the unknowns, then multiply by about six for a page as big as the S index), though you could still use the page while the images are downloading I suppose.

What do others think?
Steve L

Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by Steve L »

I think in hindsight the site is fine as it is. Sitting back and looking at how regularly this site is updated, I'm realising now that adding pics might look a bit better, but I'd rather you guys spent the time on content and quality.

To be honest, I'd never even looked at the history page until Alec mentioned it, and I think it more than adequately does the job I was hinting at.


Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by John »

As someone who downloads the whole site onto his hard disk (makes it easier for me to refer to) there are on average about three dead links these days. Of a site of this size that number is easily the lowest of any of the 30 or so sites that I download.

For anyone who is interested in downloading sites onto your hard disk I use the free programme WinHTTrack which is quite user friendly. Their website is at

If you do decide to download this website though I recommend that you exclude the Forum.
Steve L

Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by Steve L »

Fair enough,

Not wanting to rock the boat or anything,

I'll keep checking the unknowns section for new girls,

Keep up the outstanding work ;)


Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by alec »

That's OK and thanks for the compliments.

You can also look at the site history - new girls are usually listed with each update. But bear in mind that just because they are new to this database does not mean they are new models. They are just previously unseen by us.
Phil K

Re: suggestion for the site?

Post by Phil K »

Alec is absolutely correct in what he says about the time involved - speaking personally just maintaining what we already have takes up pretty much all my spare time just at the moment. However, I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from making suggestions as to how they think the site can be improved, in fact the opposite. Since the site started I've already incorporated one or two ideas that have been suggested to us that I think have made the site a bit easier to use. All I would say is that even if the suggestions are really good ones, it may take quite a while for them to see the light of day.

As to this specific suggestion, one problem that I can see is what is meant by 'new'. A girl who is new to us, may not be new at all, it's just that we are unaware of previous work (Alec will probably tell you that this is normally the case).

I've already been asked if it would be possible to flag all new and updated entries on the site, and this would include flagging up girls who make their debut on the site. I'll try to do this sometime (bearing in mind my previous comments), but for now I'll make a note to list all new girls and films in the site history update summaries (I should really have been doing that anyway).