The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

Post by joey »

Don\'t know where you can get that video, but it may be
worth mentioning that there seems to be crossover between
the Brits Are Cumming: Goin\' Solo series and the
Ladies Behaving Badly series.

The Lucy Gresty scene in Goin Solo 2 is a (slightly extended) version of her scene from LBB 1.

By the way, I see we are missing here the Fiona Cooper AKA of Della (A150, A170, A221) for Debbie Brown (aka Anne Smith) who is in LBB 1

Re: The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

Post by John »

Good spot re Debby Brown = FC's Della, I'd missed that.
There's also another FC video, the three hour compilation tape T39.

Also if you have a look on the HB Studio website at they have a Debbie Brown listed who although her hair colour is different facially looks quite similar. Would you care to express an opinion as to if you think they're the same?

Re: The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

Post by joey »

The hbstudio one looks totally different to me.. There are
a couple more pics at for comparison. (Where does the "Debby Brown" name come from?

The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

Post by searcher »

Looking for the video: The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2
Any ideas where can I get it ?

Re: The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

Post by joey »

I've posted some caps of the third scene of this video to, in cass it helps anyone to id her.. my copy is in poor condition, so the caps are not great.

Incidentally, if any of the site maintainers are reading, what does the notation here for Cheryl ("same girl?") refer to?

Re: The Brits Are Cumming: Going Solo 2

Post by alec »

It dates from before I acquuired the video and was unsure of whether it was another Cheryl. It should no longer be there.