Turn On's - Turn Off's

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

For what purpose Mart? Its all been said before over & over

The reasons for the "So called" shortcomings of the British Product have been highlighted adnauseum numerous times over the past 4 years

Using the standards of the Euros or Americans(who have the right enviroment to thrive) to Diss the British product is pointless as saying oranges are better than apples IMHO

I can name as many Euro & American productions that are substandard as british and they have Bigger Budgets & access to desirable women
Maybe lack of creativity is the problem?

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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by sean »

Agreed, spotty asses, huge turn off.

As Marcusalen wrote:
No way in hell can you please everyone.
"One man's meat is another man's poison"

Good point, i guess some viewers love to see a spotty ass (not me though)
one eyed jack
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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by one eyed jack »

No Mart, if you have a problem with your car, you get it fixed...That's the problem isn't it. Why keep complainining when no one listens and if they do, do nothing about it. That's the problem we have here isnt it? Everyone complaining to the point of boredom. Find something else to talk about. Suggest ideas even. This forum has been very miserable of late. Whats happening? Has wanking gone out of fashion?

If you really find the state of porn that miserable, its because you've become desensitised. Take up some other hobby. There are far bigger pressing concerns than porn. You don't like chav bird, then buy something else. There are so many beautiful un chav like girls in porn as a collective it seems a waste of time complaining.. Who cares? It all sells whether you like it or not.

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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by woodgnome »

one eyed jack wrote:

> Actually, you all have a right to moan. I have a right not to
> read. My apologies. I'm outty!

you also have a right to express your opinion. at least it's a positive one, more often than not.

more power to your elbow and anyone else who uses theirs to raise a glass that's more likely to be half full, rather than half empty...
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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by marcusallen »

By God Sirrah!!
I'll drink to that.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by Officer Dibble »

Poor old Terry. He seems troubled, unsettled, and perplexed by the growing anti gonzo sentiment on the forum - and I take no pleasure from that, as he's a cultured dude and a pal. He loves the porno lifestyle and feels pretty content with the status quo. If there are any problems or doubts at the back of his mind in relation to porn and gonzo he wishes they would just go away and stop bothering him so that he can carry one doing what he loves doing in peace. Tel, I understand. However, what kind of pal would I be if I didn?t raise these very real issues and force you to confront reality ? the reality that a lot of potential buyers out there do not like the general direction porn is going in, one little bit.

You pose the question as to ?why anyone moans, but no one does anything about it". The answer is that no one can do anything about it. The crapness of contemporary porn is a consequence of the culture and times we are living in. It's due to the saturation of the market with dreary dross made by ever increasing numbers of ?producers?. The process of porn production has become industrialised ? porn is just being churned out and churned out by cynical producers offering unappealing, lacklustre, performers - who are usually just going through the mechanical motions with a cheery smile on their face, 'cause it?s more agreeable (and easier) than manning the till at Tesco?s. This, as you point out, has lead to a desensitisation of the public to porn ? they?re not really interested or exited about it anymore - except for a few hormonally crazed individuals who, one feels, would roger a telegraph pole if it had a skirt on (yeah, skirts, remember those?). You say there is ?so much stuff out there?. Well, yes there is, and that?s part of the problem.

Terry, even you have complained that the girls presenting themselves for a porn job don?t seem to know how to be sexy or sexually alluring anymore. You?re right; you?re not imaging it. But it?s a property of today?s social attitudes and contemporary culture. Over the past decade British women have been encouraged, by government and mainstream media, to be more assertive, feisty, and have more attitude (i.e., be lairy) and there?s been all sorts of legislation and ?positive discrimination? to back that up. Now, in the past, in order to get their way in a man?s world, women had to use the tools nature had given them ? their sexuality and allure. They learned to use their womanly whiles on men, who were (by nature?s design) very susceptible to this kind of manipulation. But then 'wimmin? were told (by poncy middleclass fuckers) that they too could be like geezers, they could do what geezers do, they could have everything that geezers had, and no one would be allowed to point the finger if they behaved like geezers too. So, in the past decade that?s what they?ve been doing. No need to worry about all that sexuality stuff, no need to develop those womanly whiles, no need to dress nice and be sexy, because they had now been promoted to being ?one of the lads?.

Of courser that has created a problem for adult entertainment ? the vast majority of which is consumed by men. Because now that ?wimmin? are behaving and looking more like geezers, who are the real geezers going to fancy? This is just one part of the problem that those involved and interested in adult entertainment now face. Girls aren?t sexy in the way we used to understand (and be swayed by) anymore. No one person can do anything about this; it?s part of the social landscape. All we can do is MOAN and protest (thou shalt not suffer a woman to behave chavily ? St. Dibble, Chapter One, Verse 69) when we see girls acting lairy and not being sexy, or bestow praise when we see something feminine that gives us a warm glow and gets the adrenaline pumping.

?there are far bigger pressing concerns than porn.?

You?re right there Tel, and if you?d care to step over to the O/T forum of an evening, you?d note that I frequently address those issues too.

Officer Dibble
one eyed jack
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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by one eyed jack »

But Officer, even though you speak words of wisdom, in many variations with the same outcome, we've been down there so many times you might just as well put a clickable link to the answer. My last moan ran into 100 posts. We've been there already. My answer to the deluge of product on the market is to be more selective with what I shoot rather than bowl in there because the opportunity presents itself. I feel more confident about the way I work more than ever but the moans here never seem to make a difference where it should count.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Why does anyone whinge because they have expectations that haven't been met and they can.The fact that we know it will probably fall on deaf ears doesn't matter

Pointing out all the shortcomings might be more a way of venting your anger after not getting the desired result from your "HUGE" investment but we should never forget,

The law of diminishing returns is REAL...the more you watch the less it will appeal IMHO regardless of the Quality of the product

We don't need a trial between a Youngster and a Veteran Punter to see that

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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by mart »

Deuce, I wasn't moaning about the type/quality of the girls or the plot/content but the sheer technical incompetance of some videos.

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Re: Turn On's - Turn Off's

Post by stripeysydney »

Tights.....revolting,and chavvy sportswear.....makes for council estate porn.As art critic Brian Sewill would say"absolutely repellant"...
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