McKenzie Lee

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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McKenzie Lee

Post by dusi »

Ah well we've just lost another great girl to the USA. She's signed an exclusive contract to ClubJenna (Jenna Jameson's company). Why, oh why, can't we get a proper professional business going in this country that can hang onto and promote girls like her?
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by Marino »

Because as soon as someone over here puts money into a project, generally something or someone in the industry fucks it for you.
The styates are geared up for this, and they have a chance to recoup there investment. Thats why.

After ploughing over forty grand into the twins series one has met a new fella and pulled out. It kind of puts you off investing, unless it's yourself.As I am not in the habit of forcing people to work, there might be your answer.

I wish McKenzie good luck and I hope she gets all she wants,We should be proud of our Brit girls taking the world by storm, they are still advertising the Brit market. She is a nice girl, I did not work with her but met her outside work, and she seemed to be really freindly and extrmely keen to get on.
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by dusi »

Maybe you need an American partner that is prepared to grow the British product for the American market. Sorry if I'm "teaching granny to suck eggs" and I certainly know how slippery Americans can be when it comes to business. It's such a shame that we have a potentially great source of stunning girls with no real way of selling the end product or making high production level films.
The thought of a "Vivid, Wicked etc does England" type series with their production values kind of appeals. Private do do some although they have this annoying habit of dubbing everything which I can't stand.
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by Marino »

It would be nice to find a decent partner, in the U.S. or U.K but so far every time I involve someone they try to rip me off.
I have had to fall out with so many people that lie promise the world, do not do their side of the bargain, then they lie some more to get them selves out of it.
Then they start crying within the industry that I am mad, well maybe so, but why shoud I work like a dog, take all the risks, put my money or bank loans where my mouth is. and let them get away with it. I would rather sit in a prison cell.
I will not be ripped off by anyone ever again and let them get away with it. So finding an honourable partner is almost imossible.

But I am always optimistic, and give everyone the benifit of the doubt. So if you are an honourable hard working decent person I will be happy to deal with them.
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by dusi »

I have every sympathy with you, I'm not your man but I might know someone who is so I'll have a word with him and if he's interested I'll put the two of you together. Take care.
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by colonel »

I thought you worked/had worked with Mr.Honey- or am I mistaken?
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by davewells »

Marino's right ! I have been through everything he says time and time again without ever actually getting to the committing to shoot stage (saving my sanity and property). Here in this country it seems that it is ONLY full of BULLSHITTING WANKERS who have no idea what they are doing or talking about regarding this business. You are right it should be properly structured, regulated and finanaced but I for one cannot see happening soon. BUT I hope I'm wrong because I need to make some serious money for a change instead of making everybody I shoot for rich ! (FUCKIN RICH)!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by Marino »

I have had many great years working for Mr H. and as a friend as wel.
I was not complainig about my life, just answering a posting.

I am a very happy camper indeed, I do my best, and have a great life. All the lessons I learn along the way hopefully teach me something.

I have much respect for most of the succesful producers in the U.K. and chaps like mr wells, who have help make many mens fortunes.

So no complaint. Do not need a partner, but always keen if a decent propsal is on the table. And very happy, Got a great girl, good dogs, if I had a wish, maybe a slightly bigger knob.
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by colonel »

That's cool. An even bigger knob...!

I think your performance- as Superdick?- with the delicious Heather Chittenden one of the best films I've ever seen...she was crying out for boy/girl since her Heather For Leather days, and you were just the guy to do it.

I remember the guy behind the camera remarking on how he'd love to meet Ben Dover himself....took me a few minutes to work out it was Mr.H himself......
Posts: 1967
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Re: McKenzie Lee

Post by Marino »

Heather was great, I did a hardcore scene with her for the score group, she had (spelling) proshtetic tits. and a black wig.
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