Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

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Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

Post by gavdr »


In reply to your posts about Laura Hermansen in Oct 04 and what she's up2

Well she actually works in my local leisure centre (not doing as we all know she does - but as a gym instructor/ recreation assistant) so obviously i like to keep up2 date with whats happening.

Yes as a reply to one of ur posts said she has a bf - quite a long term one im lead to believe, or she did! a friend of mine who works at the same gym told me before christmas that she'd actually split from this person - so who knows maybe she'll be back!!

we live in hope!

Andy J. Potter
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Re: Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

Post by Andy J. Potter »

Attention: Gavdr

Hey Gavdr,

Thanks for that post. Would have replied sooner but haven't been on the Forum here at BGAFD for a few days now.

Interesting bit of info. Whereabouts in the UK are you based? (I know we're all anonomous on here but someone revealing their town, or region of the country they're in, is not giving much away. Would be interested to know. Maybe I could enroll in a leisure centre in that area!!!! )

A. J. P.
James not Bond
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Re: Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

Post by James not Bond »

Welcome to the stalkers forum.
Andy J Potter. Time to give this obsession with Laura a rest.

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Re: Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

Post by modfather »

sounds like you need help mate , God knows what Laura would make of you if shed been following your posts
Andy J. Potter
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Re: Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

Post by Andy J. Potter »

Oh dear me...

The reason I asked gavdr what part of the UK he is in is to authenticate what he is saying. I saw two sites a while back that featured pictures of Laura Hermansen which said she was based in a certain part of the country - stating something like" Name: Laura; Location: ...... ".

It mentioned where she is apparently based. Therefore I had to ask gavdr that region of the UK in order to see if he was bullshitting about what he said or whether it was kosher.

How the hell can I 'stalk' someone if I only know that that person lives in a certain PART of Britian (a million or more other people will live there too!!) I asked gavdr this to see whether what he was saying was legit. If you see my thread, there are four exclamation marks after the bit about 'joining the leisure centre' - namely it's all in jest!! Why is all this not obvious to you two ?

You lot are very perculiar people!!

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Re: Andy J Potter re: - Laura Hermansen

Post by eduardo »

I appreciate your explanation of this Andy but I have read many of your posts about Laura including the first one that you made and indeed I made a contribution to that thread myself.

However your posts do border on the obsessive and I like some of the others in this thread have thought "the stalker alert" thing for a while.

By all means be a Laura fan. Hey I like her a lot too. But the time that you start asking things about locations then people will think that your obsession is more than that.
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