Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

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Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

Post by eroticartist »

Does the BBFC offer a service to the British Filmmaker or is it merely a front for state censorship? The BBFC is under direct control of the Home Office who issue strict guidelines on sexual imagery to be allowed in the moving image. The examiners have to follow these guidelines.

The R18 classification says that these films cannot be sold to the general public through the free market in such shops as say HMV in Oxford Street but can only be sold in licensed sexshops! Thus most of my indigenous market is denied me as a filmmaker.

The 18 classification certificate allows sales of films only to adults therefore the R18 is superfluous and merely an artificial device for state censorship. If the Video Recordings Act 1984 were repealed then the market for erotic films would expand rapidly. If the R18 category were scrapped adults would soon be able to buy them anywhere. The potential free domestic market is enormous for several reasons.

By denying the filmmaker one's domestic freemarket the state has effectively denied one's rights of freedom of expression (contrary to Article 10 of the ECHR) by resticting the proper funding of future productions.

I would like filmmakers to discus this because it effects us all.

Mike Freeman
joe king
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a se

Post by joe king »

rumours of an appeal against cuts at cert '18' is heard by some adult producers

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Officer Dibble
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

Post by Officer Dibble »

"The BBFC is under direct control of the Home Office who issue strict guidelines on sexual imagery to be allowed in the moving image."

As I understand it, The BBFC is an independent body and not an arm of government. Indeed, I always understood that the government of the day (every government) were keen to bolster this perception so that they could not be accused of state censorship - which is precisely what you are accusing them of. BBFC members are not paid out of the public purse, they are (handsomely) remunerated out of the extortionate (for small producers) classification fees they charge, i.e., they are not state employees. It maybe of course that the government can exert behind the scenes influence and pressure on a board made up of self-righteous, middleclass, poncy fuckers, who might not want to go to far against the grain, even in the interest of artistic freedom, and this influence might manifest itself via way of the old school tie or the odd funny handshake. But I don't get the impression that there is much direct government interference with the BBFC nowadays. By classifying certain videos R18 they are just complying with existing legislation - the Video Recordings Act 1984. So anyone who finds the current status quo unacceptable should be writing to their MP and campaigning against this particular piece of legislation. It's not the BBFC's fault.

"The potential free domestic market is enormous for several reasons."

Really?... Well, yes, I guess if you count the whole UK population as potential punters, it would be. But what makes you think they would all want to rush out and stock up on porno films, if only they were allowed to buy them at the grocers?

Officer Dibble
joe king
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a se

Post by joe king »

As I understand it:

The organisation (the BBFC) is a political organisation. It has members who can be hired and fired by the government - the Home Office.

Jack 'boots' Straw was very unhappy at the new R18

The BBFC have to be forced to do what you want them to - the R18 issue was only settled by the courts

The BBFC is a quango - a Quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation
I think.
This non-profit making organisation made over 2milliion in profits, I think, in 2003.

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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a se

Post by nachovx »

Don't expect the BBFC Censors to give up their power lifgtly. Just don't support their monopoly of registered sex shops. There are alternatives.
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

Post by DanG »

eroticartist wrote:
> The R18 classification says that these films cannot be sold to
> the general public through the free market in such shops as say
> HMV in Oxford Street but can only be sold in licensed sexshops!

Harmony have just opened a big store on Oxford Street to compliment the one they have on Charing Cross Road....Soho Original are expanding too, with a store in Compton street as well as one on CXR which used to be Waterstones.

How long before Virgin and HMV take notice and think....hang on, there's a lucrative potential market here (@ ?25 a DVD)...if they can do it on Oxford Street, why can't we? I'm sure they'll have some pretty shit hot lawyers when it comes time to argue their case for mail order too....
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

Post by davewells »

There currently is an appeal in with the VAC (Video appeals Committee) which basically is saying there shouldn't be any difference between 18 & R18. My sources say that the appeal will win, so the doors will be blown open then for all shops like Virgin, HMV etc etc to sell the proper stuff. It will have taken 5 years for this backward, pathetic country 'to get with it'. But whats new about that !
one eyed jack
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

Post by one eyed jack »

I remain sceptic Dave. Theres too much talk about upheaval and changes in this direction. Its nice that people are excited and optimistic and I for one would love to see this change but for some niggling feeling, I don't see it happening for two simple reasons:

The BBFC and the "powers that be" that allow us to watch hardcore "within limits" and categorisation will not relinquish their control for financial and moral reasons. One argument is going to be about protecting the under aged from this tide of "filth". However, I could end up being totally wrong. At least in this case, I hope so.
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a servic

Post by eroticartist »

Officer Dibble,

You are wrong the BBFC gets its guidelines directly from the Home Office.
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Re: Does the BBFC offer the British Filmmaker a se

Post by eroticartist »

Thank you.
The Video Recordings Act 1984 was brought in because I smashed the Obscene Publications Act at the Old Bailey in 1983 by being acquitted unanimously on a hardcore film The Videx Video Show.

It was drawn up by Mrs Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse and got through the back door of parliament without proper debate by Graham Bright MP.
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